Taking a Victory Lap

America’s losing yet another war, but I’m taking a victory lap. For the first time, I think, I’m on FOX Business’ PR NewsWire courtesy of my book publisher. Warning: this is PR shilling, not a “real” news article. But it’s nice to be right. Again. (Wish I wasn’t, though.)


NEW YORK, Dec 14, 2009 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ —-In 2001, swept up in a patriotic furor spawned by 9/11, the Bush Administration sent troops into Afghanistan. But not everyone was convinced this was a righteous cause, editorial cartoonist Ted Rall among them. And rather than sit on the sidelines and witness the media flag-waving, he hopped a flight and went to Afghanistan himself. As he chronicled his trip for the Village Voice, his conclusion was clear: “We lost the war.” And from then on, he was a loud dissenter against the troop buildup that remains in place to this day.

Unfortunately, according to Rall, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Mere weeks ago, President Obama announced another buildup in troops would be headed for Afghanistan. And once more, Ted Rall is making his voice heard, and loudly. In a lengthy interview with the Chicago Red Eye, Rall cut loose on what he sees as the current administration’s folly in Afghanistan:

(On Obama’s speech) “It was a disaster. Like Bush, he didn’t have anything new to say — just more of the same. There’s no end in sight, no point to the carnage to come, and still no reason to be in Afghanistan.”
