Interview with San Antonio Newspaper

Today’s San Antonio Express-News has an interview with me.


  • PS.

    You still suck when it comes to analyzing Pakistan



  • "…we're one vote away on the Supreme Court from fascism."

    If you give Americans the choice between fascism and a non-white, non-male president, which will they pick?

    Why do I think Ted will IS chronicling the end of a great(?) empire? I question the "great." Most previous empires had their armies steal cool stuff and bring it home and they left pretentious ruins. We just seem to flatten places and produce a lot of colorful and attention grabbing packaging that is now biodegradable… just like us! Maybe we will be famous for unexploded ordinance and vast quantities of nuclear waste.

  • Naaaah ! ! ! !

    The US stopped existing a looooong time ago; especially as an economic entity along with Canada and Mexico.

    What you have here is a declining power web centred around Washington, the corporate and governance elite and its defence and security networks both private and public. This group cares for less and less people as time goes on which is why for more and more Americans it looks like "The End". However the power group remains and carries out what it wills to do so.

    That is why a significant part of the Pakistani establishment still hitches its car to the entity called "Washington DC"; but in ever reducing quantities.

    The structure will remain; but it can only grow stronger by caring about more and more people.


  • "Most previous empires had their armies steal cool stuff and bring it home and they left pretentious ruins. We just seem to flatten places and produce a lot of colorful and attention grabbing packaging that is now biodegradable"

    We do loot, you have to search through tedious financial statements of war industry to find the treasure 🙂

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