America’s Best Conservative Cartoonist…

…is Chuck Asay.

I’ve long admired Asay, an older cartoonist whose multi-panel approach presages modern cartooning and eschews retro styles in other ways as well, because of his mad editorial cartooning chops. His right-wing politics are beside the point. A good cartoonist is a good cartoonist, period.

Check out an interview with him here:

He also says nice things about me:

I also like and respect Ted Rall. He is a very thoughtful person with incredible gifts. He writes well and is passionate about ideas. We may disagree about ideas from time to time but I can think of no other person who I’d like to be locked up with if we should wind up in jail somewhere.

Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.


  • Hey thanks for the link!

    I agree. Asay's also super-nice, too, and it was neat to interview him.

    I hope I get to meet him someday.

  • MoeLarryAndJesus
    March 9, 2008 8:49 PM

    If you guys do end up in a cell together it could make a nice reality TV show.

    Which gang would you join?

  • A better reality show would be to strand Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore on a small, deserted island and force them to rely on each other for their very survival.

    Then again, I'd give Moore a day or two before Limbaugh kills him in his sleep and eats him…

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