We’re in a dogfight with the terrorists
Posted by TheDon

I don’t know how it’s playing around the country, but in Atlanta we are following the story of Mike Vick *allegedly* being in the dog fighting business with a lot of interest. It’s a bottom-feeder sport which appeals to the most cruel instincts of “humans”. In order to be involved in the “sport”, you have to believe that it’s ok to train dogs to tear each other to pieces.

from SI.com:

“It’s [Vick’s] property; it’s his dogs. If that’s what he wants to do, do it,” Portis said. He added that if Vick were convicted of dogfighting, he would be “behind bars for no reason.”

It’s the same mentality that allows the current White House to kidnap, torture, rape, bomb and kill “terrorists” – as defined by them. In their minds, terrorists are generally brown people, generally Islamists, and always hate America. Terrorists are NOT good-old-boys from Alabama with guns and bombs, looking for abortion clinics to blow up real good. They are NOT attendees of Jerry Falwell’s funeral, looking to use home-made bombs to stop troublemakers. They are certainly NOT human.

So torture away, Gonzo. Keep Gitmo open, Bob Gates. And keep killing A-Rabs, Mr President. If that’s what you want to do, do it. And if anyone goes to jail for war crimes, perjury, obstruction of justice or corruption during the execution or defense of your plans, they will be “behind bars for no reason.” In your evil low-life minds.


  • I haven't read about the Michael Vick dogfighting story. That's pretty despicable.

    But the analogy to fighting terrorists goes way too far. There ARE terrorists out there who want to kill us. People who attack abortion clinics should be locked up for life, but in case you hadn't noticed, there is a pattern with the terrorists who are trying to blow up airliners, buildings, or finding any other way to kill people in the thousands. They're Muslim. They DO hate America. And they are completely upfront about their identities and ambitions. This truth is obvious.

  • I don't disagree that there are people in the world who want to kill citizens of the USA.

    My point is that the Bush administration has parlayed that fact to justify kidnapping people (sometimes US citizens) from our streets, and from the streets of other countries, and torturing "confessions" out of them, detaining them indefinitely outside any judicial system, and preventing them from contesting their detention or guilt.

    They do this because they see brown, Arab-speaking, Allah-revering people as being less than human. If they scoop up some innocents, detain and torture some innocents, kill some innocents, it's OK. They are not like us. They are just the dogs in the dogfight.

    And if they have to break a law, ignore our constitution, lie to Congress, impede and investigation, it's ALL RIGHT! Because it is for a Good Cause.

    I happen to disagree. I think we could follow our laws, international laws, our Constitution, and still win a real war against extremists who are trying to kill us. It would have to work better than what we have been doing.

  • blackhelicoptercircling
    June 3, 2007 1:00 AM

    Look, if we don't fight the terrorists at our airports, we'll have to fight them in Iraq.

    Hmm. That didn't seem quite right.

  • terence trent
    June 21, 2007 11:29 PM

    T2rrorists are bad.+

    The t6rrorists are our property and we can set our dogs and hogs onto them as we please.

    What I like is how we write in our glorious newspapers all the time how we have killed suspected terrorists or insurgents or what-have-you over in Iraq. Terrorists don't have to be real ones anymore they can just be suspected, implied, the product of delirium tremens or undefined forthwith. It draws a distinction that is clear as crystal to true American patriots. Anyone who has a problem with that distinction should do the right thing, get on down to Vick's and gamble his grandma's Friendly Finance Co. iron lung payments on the dogs.

    Speaking of dogs, I read a book by a Imerican Iraq War vet about how he rescued a puppy over in Iraq and the whole book is how he went about trying to get the dog back to America and in so doing save him from a sorrowful fate. It was touching and proves it ain't all camels and IEDs over there–there is a stray pup or two. There are a couple of stray orphans too but the book didn't touch on that subject in depth.

    If people can't understand the metaphorical comparison between dogfights and terrorism why then they should just read that book about the Iraqi puppy what was saved by the Iraqi War vet. It's touching and makes torture all the more vital in saving American lives.

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