Cartoonists wth Attitude in San Francisco

Today is day two and the final day of the Alternative Press Expo (APE) independent and small press comics creator confab at 620 7th Street (near Brannan) in San Francisco. Come out and buy artwork and books by yours truly, Mikhaela B. Reid, Masheka Wood, Ben Smith, Matt Bors, August Pollak, Stephanie McMillan and others. Look for the CWA booth! Yesterday was fun but soggy; today is looking to be sunny and dry. It’s today between 11 and 5; hope to meet you there.

1 Comment.

  • blackhelicoptercircling
    April 22, 2007 5:03 PM

    "Cartoonists w[i]th Attitude in San Francisco" – typo?

    "Yesterday was fun but soggy; today is looking to be sunny and dry."

    If Don Imus' departure sets a precedent, that may be as controversial as a commentator can get without risking putting his neck in the proverbial noose!

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