DMZ America Podcast #34: Banned Books, Affirmative Action, Elon Musk’s right to privacy and, of course, Flame Thrower Drones!


In this edition of the DMZ America Podcast Ted explains his dislike of “Maus” cartoonist Art Spiegelman while Scott explains how this particular book banning is no banning at all. The boys go on to discuss Senator Ted Cruz’s ham-handed attack on Affirmative Action that may, in fact, have some merit. They conclude the episode by defending Elon Musk’s right to privacy and, of course, Ted brings up his favorite subject: Flamethrower Drones.

Drone Nation Is Coming

Armed drone warfare has radically altered the nation of warfare. No longer are there multiple combatants. Now there is the hunter and the prey. It’s only a matter of time before drones are used the same way in the United States as they are used abroad.
