Meet the Press

Sarah Palin coasts toward Election Day. She has never faced a press conference. Will her handlers let her out of her cage?

Sarah Palin Lies in State

Weeks after Sarah Palin became vice presidential nominee to a man who would become our oldest president in history, she still hasn’t fielded questions at a press conference.

Screw Them First

I’ve heard enough guys say they wanted to do Sarah Palin to justify this cartoon.

A Tale of Two Sarahs

No, nothing about 9/11. 9/11 is SO over. I had to do something about how Sarah Palin has instantaneously turned into the most polarizing and divisive American political figure since George W. Bush.

The Old White Male Cabal

I would’ve added David Dinkins, NYC’s first black mayor and a disaster, to the list if there was a newspaper in NYC that published my cartoons.

The Palin Effect

Conservatives are applauding Sarah Palin’s underaged daughter for keeping her baby whem truth be told, abortion ought to be mandatory for people under 18…hell, probably 25.
