The Old White Male Cabal

I would’ve added David Dinkins, NYC’s first black mayor and a disaster, to the list if there was a newspaper in NYC that published my cartoons.

The Palin Effect

Conservatives are applauding Sarah Palin’s underaged daughter for keeping her baby whem truth be told, abortion ought to be mandatory for people under 18…hell, probably 25.


McCain needs someone to his left. Obama needs someone to his right. Who will each man pick as his running mate?

Old McCain, Same as the New McCain

John McCain made a big fuss about opposing Bush on torture. But then Bush signed one of his infamous “signing statements” promising to ignore the law banning torture. McCain, victim of political expediency and sucking up to Bush, stayed mum.


Barack Obama, trying to court conservative whites with dim views of black males, attacks black men for being bad parents.
