I just received my copy of “Capitalism Must Die!,” the new book by my friend
and colleague Stephanie McMillan. This book is sorely needed right now —
it explains what capitalism is, how it works, why it’s irredeemable, and
how to end it (hint: revolution). It stripped away all the opaque Marxist
academic jargon, and uses plain language so anyone can understand it.
I’ve been a fan of her cartoons since before I signed her up for
syndication at United Media. They’re funny and cute, and they illustrate
the book perfectly to make the concepts even more clear.
Stephanie’s won major awards, written six previous books, and her stuff’s
been carried in hundreds of venues worldwide. She also walks the walk:
she’s been a communist battling capitalism since she was in high school.
If you want to understand the mechanics of this disgusting and murderous
system, why it’s in crisis and where it’s headed, and even better if you
want do something about it, check out “Capitalism Must Die!” here.