The Fall of John Edwards

A sex scandal claims John Edwards, despite the fact that he never campaigned as a “family values” conservative.

President Obama’s First Day

Obama’s liberal supporters are wallowing in wishful thinking. Once he gets into office, they tell themselves and everyone else, he’ll burst out as a crazy leftie!

Old McCain, Same as the New McCain

John McCain made a big fuss about opposing Bush on torture. But then Bush signed one of his infamous “signing statements” promising to ignore the law banning torture. McCain, victim of political expediency and sucking up to Bush, stayed mum.


I hope Obama wins. It’s more fun to criticize a Democrat for his hypocrisy and worthlessness than a Republican for being true to his well-heeled donors.

Change Like You Can’t Believe

Barack Obama has exactly as much respect for privacy rights as George W. Bush. But it’s different–because he’s smart and attractive.

All in the Mind

Condi Rice says Bush wants to close Gitmo, but worries about releasing dangerous prisoners upon an unsuspecting populace. What to do?

Torture Memos

The most recently leaked Bush Administration memos rely on a novel argument: something that’s illegal won’t be punished if the person committing the crime says he was trying to stop a terrorist attack. You could be appalled–or you could use this legal nonsense yourself.
