If you have a great idea in the age of the Internet, you need to push it out via social networks! But what if, after you’ve publicized your great idea, there’s no time left to execute your great idea?
No Left Left
Gotta love how the left gets its back.
When right-wingers like Ann Coulter get attacked in the media, right-wing bloggers defend her. Even moderate Republicans watch her back.
As I read today’s blogs, 100% of the action is criticism from the right. From the leftie bloggers: crickets.
OK, so maybe you don’t agree with everything I have to say. But really, it’s pretty lame not to defend your own side. This is, after all, a culture war.
But I can’t say it’s surprising.
Join the Atheist Movement
This was inspired by a New York Times article about how atheism is catching on. Funny, for me it’s not like that. I’m not against religion (although, objectively, it is a terrible distraction from efforts needed to solve real problems and often becomes a conduit for hatred)…I just don’t think about it. The idea of getting together with other people who don’t believe in God makes me laugh.