Kamala Harris is portraying herself as a blank slate by refusing to articulate issues other than those that appear to be popular after they were developed by Donald Trump. But her desire to be popular only goes so far.
Your Thoughts Are Her Heartfelt Policy Positions

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Harrris’s favorite “get the hostages*** home” line is somehow not shared by her hired agents of genocide in occupied Palestine. The IDF has, for the second time, at least, mowed down released Israeli hostages, the latest reports claiming the victims to have been completely naked and speaking perfect Hebrew. A second US citizen was killed with no acknowledgement by any relevant segment of the US government.
A restatement of the truth about who killed whom, with what weapons, on 07Oct’23 is available at the following
link: tinyurl.com/5ybuf6kk It is mentioned therein that in her Tuesday debate with His ex-Hairness, the US VP once again “inaccurately” portrayed the situation that day saying that all 1200 victims were killed by Hamas, when in fact, the
infamous, and allegedly defunct, Hannibal Doctrine was employed by which Israelis taken prisoner, of whichever perceived Israel enemy, are to be murdered immediately lest they become hostages valuable to said enemy.
*** I’d appreciate notice of any Harris mention of the thousands of Palestinians held on NO charges and, reportedly, being raped, in Israeli prisons from before and in increasing numbers since 07Oct’23. Here’s a search and the “right to rape” debate reaching all the way into the Israeli Knesset. tinyurl.com/3xc4spnp
I find it fascinating. During the debate, Harris said, “Donald Trump actually has no plan for you, because he is more interested in defending himself than he is in looking out for you.” (That’s off the transcript, so it may not be exact.)
Did I wake up in another reality? Does anyone actually think Kamala Harris is in this for anyone but herself? She is a politician. She isn’t working as a public defender after her four-hour shift at the soup kitchen. Her ambitions are her god, just like with all the other politicians, and she cynically plays race, gender, and whatever other cards she can find in her Pokemon deck. If it comes down to looking out for you or looking out for her plans, look out because you may end up on a firebreak fighting fires for $1.45 a day. Seriously, am I the only who sees this?
Yes, generally politicians aren’t saints; they do care about their own ambitions way too much. But there are degrees of this. I actually do think that Harris (or pretty much anyone else) does also care about the rest of us to a significantly larger extent than Trump does. I admit that that is a low bar.
Harris endorses the abuse and murder of Palestinians, and accepts the endorsement of Dick Cheney and other neocons who have been angling to start World War Three. Those facts should be enough to cause anyone with a conscience to conclude that she is no better than Donald Trump, and to look for other options.
Here are my 2 takeaways from Ted’s latest DMZ. 1. More than once Ted has suggested trumpsterweird is funny. Ted, there’s funny and funny-looking. 2. For the debate, Ted gave Kamala a B and trumpsterweird a C. That grade for TW simply reflects a Machiarallian attempt to change reality.