Many Republicans say they would never vote for Donald Trump. But when push comes to shove, will they really vote Democratic, or sit on their hands?
Before the Deluge
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
41 Comments. Leave new
“Trump Uber Alles!!”
LOVE IT. I’d say I should get it on a hat, shirt, or bumper sticker, but I already have those of Trump.
Take a look at Storm Front to accessorize.
They should have just what you’re looking for.
This is why I like Trump. He’s open about who he is and what he stands for.
I had a discussion with a female Trump supporter and when she got pissed at me I asked her if she had “blood coming out of her whatever.” I assume she liked me better after that, seeing as how I was talking her lingo. A true meeting of the minds with mutual respect.
It’s great how Trump brings people together.
I’d mostly get something with “Trump Uber Alles” to troll liberals, but I lol’d @ invocation of the only racist/fascist website liberals know.
I lol’d harder at that last bit. It was a good save there, Glenn. I don’t make a habit of discussing politics with women because I don’t see the benefit, but I do superficially with a few Trump supporters (I really can’t stomach discussions with liberal women) and wow, do they adore him. They probably would’ve found your use of the Trump quote funny. They tell me they can’t understand how someone wouldn’t like him. I asked them if Trump hated women because he mocked Fiorina’s looks, and they just said, “But she IS ugly.”
«I don’t make a habit of discussing politics with women because I don’t see the benefit, …» Judging from your contributions on these threads, «Jack Heart», there would surely be little benefit for the women concerned….
Ah, but you would be mistaken yet again, henri. Something you must be well used to by now. Since women are typically politically naive and ignorant (I don’t blame them. After all, until a hundred years ago, both sexes accepted politics was for men only, barring a few exceptional women), it is not so much a discussion as it is me educating them on basic labels, concepts, and names. And further, political arguments aren’t exactly arousing or great for emotional connecting of any good sort and are thus even more useless with women.
As I pointed out above, «Jack Heart», «[j]udging from your contributions on these threads, […] there would surely be little benefit for the women concerned» in discussing anything with you. Your reply merely serves to confirm this impression….
But then, you are a bit of fool, are you not, who needs get her/his kicks out of trolling websites like the present, as most other avenues for enjoyment are closed to her/him ?… 😉
Hi Jack,
I admit that I haven’t been keeping up with the extreme right wing websites that inform the Trump movement.
Can you recommend a few sites that will help me get a sense of the Neo-Social-Darwinist perspective? I assume it is not merely a reheat of the 1930s leftovers.
Thanks in advance for your help in educating me.
Regretfully, I must return your thanks. The elite ones are for members only, and I don’t believe you’d met the…erm…criteria. Harharhar
Oh, like Skull &Bones.
But with real skulls and real bones?
Be careful CH,
J is a millionaire Skull and Bones guy who knows where the bodies are buried and a misogynist practitioner of Social Darwinism determined to wipe out the mud races just as soon as Herr Trump takes control.
I know this must be true because Trump speaks the truth and his minions can be expected to do no less.
Trump wouldn’t give false impressions about who he is, would he?
The Trump truth telling is the only thing I like about him and he wouldn’t start misleading now just to be elected a leader, would he?
Glenn, viewing your national circus from the outside, I can only say that while Herr Drumpf is quite a spectacle, not least for those with tastes leaning towards slapstick, the really nasty piece of work is Señor Cruz. He not only looks like, he acts like good old «Tail-Gunner Joe»….
What looks like a national circus from the outside, looks like a madhouse from inside.
Well, Glenn, you’ve just managed to present one of the better arguments I’ve yet seen for the continued – and indeed, widened – use of neuroleptics…..
Bernie wins, Fascists pull a coup and we get Gernika-ed. Dorme bene.
The fascists didn’t have to “pull” a coup on Obama, he’s out-Bush’d Dubya, and they’re just fuckin’ jealous. They’ll only interfere when they start loosing Realpolitik influence.
Bernie will be no less a tyrant than currently is BarryHO. As a White guy, Bernie can do shit that the Drone-meister is prevalently being burned in effigy for. But when he puts on his “minority” Joooh hat, he can slaughter as many colored folks as he desires and keep that war-party corporate media out of his ass.
Now, if he was doing it for America first, hey, both Pubs and Dems would sacrifice their first born to him with a discount lubricant gift card. The Dems probably still will. but the Pugs KNOW who he really works for, we all know, that shitty-little country. If they’re going to light the fire of their own funeral pyre, the want a (truer) clansman for the job.
That needs to end. Jews spent so much time and energy convincing everyone they were white just to run back to the minority label whenever it benefits them. Jews aren’t white.
@Jack – (Also Dan)
“White” is not a real race or ethnicity. The Ainu people are lighter skinned and have more body hair than the Japanese around them – yet are not very closely related to Europeans genetically. So, are they white? They most assuredly are if you think skin color is so important.
Judaism started in northern Africa, and as such the original Jews were Caucasians. But they’ve also migrated all over the globe and today there are Asian (“Mongoloid”) Jews and Black (“Negroid”) Jews.
Fact of the matter is, all humans share 99.99+% of the same genetic material. Differences in coloring and facial features are literally skin deep; superficial and meaningless to civilized people.
Bigots jump on these superficial differences not because they are convinced of their own superiority, but because secretly fear that they are inferior to other people. If you assume that ‘other’ is inferior by definition you no longer have to worry.
Except for the fact that the fear you believe you’ve overcome is hilariously obvious to the rest of us.
Well, among others one particular Jew let the cat out of the bag, that being that a vast majority of Jews are “White,” or Caucasian if anybody want to be marginally more technical.
While Jews may have started in the Fertile Crescent, for several centuries at least, they also stopped living there after 135 AD. This is because the Romans got tired of their uncooperative shit and wiped them out of the region … completely. An edict prohibiting their return was even instigated.
The Jewish claim on Palestine is wholly religious and speciously subjective. As far actual time of possession, Jerusalem was most often administered as a colony of conquest. As long as they paid their colonial taxes, the Jews were allowed to continue suffering there. Actual time of true independence? A couple of hundred or so years.
Ultimately, the fact remains that the cult of Judaism that currently controls all of Palestine (as well as WDC) establishes its self-identity in the Talmud. The Talmud defines all non-Jews as only beasts masquerading as human. This a religious hatred that crosses far beyond racism. The Talmud itself is a hate-crime.
Judaism is a racial religion. That’s what chosen people means. There can be no legitimate conversion unless we accept a la Rachel Dolezal that our genetics are a choice.
And according to this for example, race is not just skin deep blahblahblah. That small genetic difference matters. Stupid science always ruining liberal feel-good myths!
@Jack – “our genetics are a choice.”
Funny, I don’t remember choosing my parents. Did I fill out a form or something?
re: ‘this’ – I find it helps to read the article before I post a link to it. From the discussion section: “Our findings reframe concerns about stillbirth for prospective mixed race/ethnicity parents by underscoring that the risk factor is not skin color per se but is related to risks for low birth weight and prematurity, particularly among black women.”
Moreover, this study is based on US data, where racial tensions play a big part in any racial study. Nor is it likely that many of the participants are ‘pure blood’ European or African, further muddying the waters.
CrazyH, as I understand the study, the authors did attempt to factor in what they referred to as «multiple social and biological risk factors», but correcting for these did not, as they put it, cause the added risk of still births in children of black of mixed parentage as compared to white parentage to «dissipate». The two factors which did explain the higher rate of stillbirths in the former group were (lower) gestational age and lower weight at birth, but just why these two «potential mediators» were seen in the study to be increased in the former group is not known : as noted above, correcting for certain social and biological risk factors did not change this finding….
That what is generally called «race» is not merely a question of epidermal pigmentation is known, I suggest, to most of us, even if our friend «Jack Heart» seems to believe otherwise. What is less generally known and which may surprise «Jack Heart» is that genetic diversity is greater among sub-Saharan Africans, all of whom are generally regarding as belonging to one race (blacks) that it is between them as a group and other groups such as «whites», East Asians, etc. We have yet much to learn about the human genome and the epigenomic factors which make us who we are….
Henri – yep, that’s how I read it, too.
As you note, “black” is not a race. O’bummer might be considered ‘black’ for this study, even though he’s approximately 50% “white.” He may be 56.4% “black” as we don’t know his mother’s entire genome.
I noted it was also about ‘self-identified’ so Craig Cobb would be considered white even though he’s famously 14% “black”
@henri – I see I didn’t quite address your comment, yes, I did see the part about socioeconomic factors but I still don’t rule them out.
I don’t believe they are so easy to track down, nor can a study account for things like your grandfather’s occupational hazards when you don’t even know who your father is. Did they take into account the amount of stress suffered by a mixed-race couple simply for being mixed race? (maybe they did that particular case, but there are a nearly infinite number of ways that negative affects can creep in and it’s impossible to account for all of them)
Genetics is easier – we can take genes apart in the laboratory, so if they say they can’t find a genetic reason I find that easier to accept.
Yeah. Dense one, I was mocking you for believing there could be black or Asian Jews. As in, unless they can choose their race…
And thank you for the free class in weaseling. You should really consider charging for such valuable instruction.
Jack – as always, I urge to to check Google before making a complete ass of yourself in public.
Jack – as always, I urge to to check Google before making a complete ass of yourself in public. A search for “black or asian jews” returns over nine million hits, I posted a few choice ones but they’re awaiting moderation.
Per Jewish tradition, any person born of a Jewish mother is considered Jewish, regardless of the father’s race. (you can verify that via google, too.)
From Wikipedia’s entry on “Beta Israel” :
By the end of 2008, there were 119,300 people of Ethiopian descent in Israel, including nearly 81,000 people born in Ethiopia and about 38,500 native-born Israelis (about 32 percent of the community) with at least one parent born in Ethiopia.
You might check out “Bene Israel” as well.
Thanks, Crazy, “no black jews” hit me right between the eyes too. To be clear, there are Jews of African descent from ancient times (Beta, not Bene Israel). Dan and Jack, ignorant anti-Semites.
“Beta Israel”
Where do you get off your high ass calling me an “anti-Semite?” Modern Jewry is “Semitic” about as accurately as Germans are all Aryans.
Anyway, my great-uncle hated Japanese people. Does that make him “anti-Asian?” It would be strange because he married a Pilipina and had several kids.
Jews (even if you accept their charade of claiming to be of Semitic stock) are only a small population among a much greater community of global Semites, that include Arabians, Egyptians, Libyans, Jordanians, and yes, most especially the Palestinians that Zionland is driving into the sea.
You need to educate yourself.
[ when he puts on his “minority” Joooh hat ]
In what alternate universe is that not a bigoted statement? For that matter, assuming you can predict Bernie because he’s Jewish is bigoted.
Is there a different word you’d prefer over anti-semite? Because it’s a pretty specific bigotry. You don’t seem racist, nor (unlike Jack) sexist.
Dan, I commend you on your understanding of the etymology of “Semite” – however, in common usage today it means “bigoted against Jews” (Even as most Israelis are bigoted against their Semitic neighbors)
As Russell asks, would you prefer a different term? Bigot, Racist, Zealot …
“Romans got tired of their uncooperative shit and wiped them out of the region … completely”
Yeah, they did make rather uncooperative slaves, daring to kill Romans back and stuffs. But somehow, the Romans didn’t have near so big a problem until they got chistianity. Funny how people keep killing each other over the god that said “Love Thy Neighbor” and “Thou Shalt Not Kill”
“The Jewish claim on Palestine is wholly religious and speciously subjective. As far actual time of possession, ”
That is true – but please remember that not all Jews support the Israeli occupation of Palestine; among them the most fundamentalist sect in Israel.
“The Talmud defines all non-Jews as only beasts masquerading as human.”
Which puts it on a par with most other religions. I don’t believe there are any religions which teach that other people are better than “us.” You can even find some Buddhists which are overly proud of their humility.
And why has “our” society allowed the hijacking of an entire culture (Semitic) for only a questionably Semitic population? The fact is that America’s corporate media is unquestionably controlled by its politically Jewish media oligarchs.
If a politically focused group controls any nation’s banking system, THEY CONTROL THAT NATION~
Bernie Sanders is a self-admitted, card-carrying Zionist.
So, you if you ask me, “Are you bigoted against Zionist?” I’ll tell you in short order, “Yes.”
But Zionism is an evil creed. Tell me, what is wrong with being bigoted against evil? Bernie Sanders is a Caucasian-Jewish Zionist, and I hate them motherfuckers.
“… but please remember that not all Jews support the Israeli occupation of Palestine; among them the most fundamentalist sect in Israel.”
Unfortunately for us, it ain’t them Jews that’s in charge of America’s media and banking systems. Instead, it’s their evil twins, the Zionists.
There is no such thing as ‘being bigoted against evil’ – being against evil is a perfectly reasonable way to feel.
However, unreasonably ascribing evil to all members of a particular group *is* bigotry. In your case, Zionism is merely a smokescreen. It gives you an excuse to spew your disgusting hatred towards all Jews while trying to pretend that it’s an altogether different thing.
You may even be fooling yourself – but you sure as hell aren’t tooling anyone else.
DIdja see where Sarah Palin came out & endorsed Trump? Oh, yeah, dream ticket there. They’re obviously ‘dumb & dumber’ but which is which?
Ted, what do you make of this?…
So is it true that Trump combs his hair that way to hide his circumcision scar?