Elizabeth Warren has positioned herself as the progressive alternative to Bernie Sanders. But a list of her foreign policy advisers reads no differently than it would if she were Hillary Clinton.
Why Is Elizabeth Warren Hiring so Many Right Wing Foreign Policy Hacks?
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Perhaps because Ms Warren herself is a right winger (registered Republican until the age of 47) ? Perhaps because she is a supporter of the would-be global hegemon, and views, like her Republican – and the overwhelming majority of her Democratic – colleagues international relations as a zero-sum game, in which the US either wins big or loses ?…
If you’d read American newspapers, they have the facts. When America wins, the world wins. Before, the poor people in Iraq and Libya suffered under impoverished, brutal dictatorships and state sponsors of terror, and now they all live in democratic, peaceful, and prosperous paradises. The US got rid of the scourges of clean water, electricity, and free healthcare. And Obama restored the Libyan slave souqs that had been closed by the dictator.
Great cartoon, Mr Rall. Democrats are neoliberals, Republicans are neoconservatives, both believe in making the whole world free and democratic*.
*free and democratic – Defn. The government does whatever the US tells it to do, and all resources are property of US corporations.
«*free and democratic – Defn. The government does whatever the US tells it to do, and all resources are property of US corporations.»