As if the coronavirus crisis hasn’t been discombobulating enough, information on the exciting new vaccines is mixed and sometimes worrisome. Although most indications are that the vaccines are both safe and effective, the program has been rushed. Some test subjects report that they had COVID-19-like symptoms. On the other hand, it’s hard not to be jealous of Europe, where they have already begun distributing the vaccine to the public. But maybe it doesn’t matter because the US government decision not to buy 100 million doses from Pfizer has contributed to the fact that we won’t be able to get the actual vaccine until next year anyway. All so confusing…
The Only Thing Worse Than a Vaccine with Side Effects Is No Vaccine
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Most of the side effects of the vaccine are identical to those of an infection precisely because the vaccine is ALSO inducing an immune response, as intended, but without the possibility of infection. This is what happens when the immune system is operating correctly.
For the other effects of the pandemic: loss of job, income, healthcare insurance and housing please consult the psychopaths who run the economy/government.
Perhaps confusion is a symptom of coronavirus? Oh God, I’ve had the ‘rona my whole life!
It’s confusing alright. The administration rolls like the Keystone Cops. The orange dope in charge creates chaos as a strategy. I won’t live long enough to see the damage repaired.