The One Place the NSA Can’t See

According to NSA documents leaked by CIA analyst Edward Snowden, 29, the NSA is reading and storing every text message, email, phone call, etc. in the United States. This Orwellian surveillance state can see literally everything —€” but there’s still one place they will never be able to look inside, the place where self-radicalization occurs.

8 Comments. Leave new

  • Self-radicalization–AKA, reclaiming one’s sense of being a sensate human and not just a numb cog in an indifferent machine.

  • @ Glenn – Years ago, in an old American movie, a person threw their window open and yelled outside something like ” I’m tired of this shit, and I’m not going to take it anymore!!!”
    This doesn’t happen much in the USA much nowadays, because it might be a cause to call the police and have this person arrested on the possibility that they may be a terrorist or somethin’ like that.
    We can’t get along with anyone anymore, because we have become our own worst nightmare. 47% of us are polarized to one side – 47% are polarized to the other, and the remaining 6% need to hide from both.

  • Tyler Durden
    June 11, 2013 11:59 AM

    One inch, eh Evey?

  • CIA isn’t supposed to operate domestically…wonder if they ever followed that rule?

  • Sure the NSA/CIA can’t see that “one place” … directly.

    But their massive systems just revealed and, presumably, to be revealed, are designed precisely to see that “one place” indirectly.

    Note, do NOT buy new and exciting technology that replaces mouse strokes with wireless electrodes affixed to areas on the skull.

  • The ‘Flying Blind’ entry before this has the same Snowden cartoon for me.

  • Ted, you haven’t been keeping up with developments in brain imaging – before long every computer with a webcam attached (and webcam will be mandatory) will have an MRI device included in it which will pick up brain waves and tell the NSA what your thinking – even when you’re thinking that the camera is turned off ! Big Brother never had it so good !…


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