Some Sanctions against Russia Are a Blessing in Disguise

Companies that produce disgusting crap like Coke, Pepsi, McDonald’s, KFC, etc., are boycotting Russia and shutting down operations there. This will no doubt improve the health of the average Russian. At the same time, disgusting tech companies like Facebook and Apple are pulling out as well, freeing the Russian people from the shackles of stupid social media and other toxic forms of communication.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • 10 Kilos Ted, the U.S. is the only major nation on earth that sticks with the antiquated English units of measurement.

  • alex_the_tired
    March 23, 2022 12:52 PM

    Actually, a little over nine kilos. 😉
    Here’s the fun bit:
    1. Companies pull out of Russia because what Russia has done is beyond the pale.
    2. (No one in the U.S. media will ask it, but …) Okay. What about pulling out of Saudi Arabia for how it treats women, gays, etc.?
    3. (See above.) Can we have a discussion about Israel and find out why our main ally in the Mideast is spying on us and buying our secrets, and should we pull out of there too?
    4. (Ditto.) There’s plenty more countries we could apply our newfound moral clarity to. Isn’t France still charging Haiti for a war?
    Hang on, there’s someone kicking in my front door and clutching an American flag and a cross.

  • 1) Europe did not want to become the future battle ground between the US and the Soviet Union. Thus NATO.

    2) The US funded an Afghanistan border war with the Soviet Union in order to bankrupt the Soviet Union and give it its own Vietnam. Successfully.

    3) Russia does not want to have a war with NATO.

    4) The 2014 US coup in Ukraine was intended to suffocate Russia just as did the US backed Afghanistan border war with the Soviet Union did previously.

    5) Russia is the world’s largest grain exporter.

    6) US and its puppet NATO wanted to use Ukraine to suffocate Russia with a border war (as in item 2).

    7) Russia can survive a grain and oil shortage by diverting its own grain and oil to domestic consumption.

    8) Russia need not supply grain or oil to NATO in ways economically unfavorable to it.

    9) The blockade of Russian grain and oil to NATO will break the will of NATO.

    10) The attempted repeat of using Ukraine (as was Afghanistan) to collapse Russia is a failure.

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