Release and Catch and Release

On January 6th the Capitol Police allowed the rioters to go home. Then they tracked them down. Now they’re getting off without prison sentences.

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  • alex_the_tired
    June 28, 2021 1:00 PM

    Don’t forget. Before they let them go home, they let them go inside. I see a crowd of agitated people in costumes carrying Gadsden flags and whatnot? Yeah, the building’s closed. And then I tell everyone in Congress to go home via the side exits; it’s not like they work much anyway. If anyone ever gets the chance to dig far enough, the parallels to the Reichstag fire can be left as an exercise for the student.

  • What’s this? Coddling terrorists comes to Whitesville? Who EVER could have imagined?!?

  • They may be bastards but they’re our bastards, from the perspective of patriarchy.

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