A narrow majority of the United States Supreme Court has approved Ohio’s controversial Republican-backed “use it or lose it” voter-purging law. If you miss two elections, even minor ones, you will be purged from voter registration rolls unless you respond to a postcard mailed to you by the state. However, the postcards are made to look like junk mail so two out of three Ohio voters who receive them throw them away. It’s a brazen attempt to disenfranchise liberal-leaning voters since they are more likely to miss elections. But let’s look at the bright side: this could be used for all sorts of other shenanigans, and not just in the voting booth.
Soon Ohio’s “Use It or Lose It” Voter-Purge Law Will Change All Our Lives
37 Comments. Leave new
Obviously, Ted, this business of allowing a large part of the population to vote is inextricably associated with insoluble problems. Best to abolish it….
Maybe we could apply this solution to the public schools. Miss two or more days of school in a row, without a doctor’s note, and we are kicking you out and not providing you with homebound services.
How about we apply it to the teachers? Slack off two days in a row and you have to go find a real job.
I never do that so I will still be employed.
But those who do not exercise their civic responsibilities should lose their rights. And so should those who do not have a photo ID.
> But those who do not exercise their civic responsibilities should lose their rights.
It’s so nice when we can agree like this.
So what specific rights should you lose? Gun ownership, voting, residency, freedom of religion, life, liberty, and the pursuit of a penis … ?
> I never do that so I will still be employed.
Knock, Knock, McFly? Anybody home? You’re on record on this very site BRAGGING about how you slack off every day of the school year.
It’s little late to walk it back.
I fulfill all my civic responsibilities: pay my taxes; own lots of guns; vote; worship; and engage in normal sexual behavior.
I am the very model of a model citizen.
> I fulfill all my civic responsibilities
The only thing you mentioned which is a civic responsibility is voting. Owning guns only counts if you are a member of the militia defending the state, and “worship” is right off the table. I’m pretty sure that sexual behavior isn’t in the constitution, but you’re welcome to correct me.
More importantly, you take PUBLIC MONEY for your salary. That incurs a CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY to do your job. You do not do your job. Ergo you are not fulfilling your CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY. Quite the opposite, you are actively harming the public by stealing their money and corrupting their children.
If I’m going too fast for you, just let me know.
Lots of things are not in the Constitution, but we still see them as civic responsibilities.
Take education, for example. Nothing in your Constitution about that, but in 1980 Carter started a federal department of education and now the federal government spends millions of dollars a year overseeing Title IX programs.
Students have a civic responsibility to do their work and respect their teachers; parents have a civic responsibility to make sure that their kids do that. When they live up to their end of the bargain, I will stop collecting a check.
> When they live up to their end of the bargain, I will stop collecting a check.
On my planet collecting your paycheck is dependent upon YOU living up to YOUR end of the bargain.
Well, we’re not on your planet, pal.
Teaching is predicated on having receptive students, not dolts.
Don’t believe me. Ask Plato. Read The Republic.
> Well, we’re not on your planet, pal.
So much is obvious – so what color is the sky on your planet? Does everybody get paid for not doing their job? When can I move there?
Why are liberals less likely to vote? Don’t they believe in democracy?
Liberals are lazy. They want someone to drive them to the polling station and then cast the ballot for them.
Madison called American democracy The Grand Experiment. Perhaps that experiment has failed.
My take: People were moderately engaged at first,but over time they became fat, dumb, and happy. Then they stopped paying attention.
Yep conservatives are more likely to vote. There are three reasons for this:
1) Conservative voters are easy to scare.
2) Conservative candidates are great at scaring their voters.
3) Unlike liberals, conservatives are not constrained by facts & logic.
Fear is a great motivator. Put one wedge issue on the ballot and the conservatives will turn out in droves.
Oops, I thought you meant take off.
Lots of people slack and keep their jobs. Why pick on me?
Lots of students play hooky – why pick on them?
Let me put it bluntly: you are a hypocrite & I like poking fun at hypocrites.
I am the only completely honest person I know.
Let me be blunt. You are a fool.
> I am the only completely honest person I know.
You have GOT to be kidding me.
You lie about the hours you put in on your job. You suck up to your boss. You lie about gays in health class, and you lie about Jesus in Sunday school. You lie about Darwin and blacks at every opportunity.
The bottom line – of course – is that you have a great deal of difficulty distinguishing fact from fiction. That alone should disqualify you from the job you are paid to not do.
Crazy Bud,
I don’t lie about the hours. I’m there. I’m just not working.
Nothing is dishonest about having a friend.
Gays are child molesters and after that single Haitian in 1969, they spread HIV in the U.S. That was how Roy Fitzgerald, a.k.a. Rock Hudson, met his untimely end.
Africa is filled with failed nation-states and Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, and Oakland, all black-run cities, are disasters. Wakanda is not real. That does not mean I hate blacks. In fact, I like some blacks more than a lot of whites. I’m sure that I would like any black more than I would like you.
As the great Yale scholar Jarislov Pelikan wrote, every age reinterprets Jesus. Our age has made him soft and inoffensive. Remember, He said that whoever does not follow him is damned. That is not exactly a gentle, forgiving God.
In short, it is my job to give students the truth and I do just that. I sugarcoat nothing. You just hate to have someone disagree with you so you call them names and want to see them fired. I argue based on principles and reason.
I am superior to you, my friend.
> Gays are child molesters
There you go – you just told another huge, filthy, disgusting, whopper of a lie. (while trying to defend yourself against a charge of dishonesty. Is irony a new concept for you?)
The overwhelming majority of child molesters are hetero. The overwhelming majority of gay men want *men* – not boys.
News Flash! Doctors have recently discovered that AIDs is caused by a “Virus” – not evil gay spirits, not a vengeful god, not Satan. not butt sex: VIRUSES.
So there’s another lie you routinely tell.
> .I argue based on principles and reason
And there’s another one.
> you call them names
If you don’t want to be called a homophobe, don’t be a homophobe … duh?
OTOH, you call gay children “faggot” and “faggy” and “homo” … once again showing that you expect others to do unto far better than you do unto them.
… once again showing that you demonstrating others to do unto _you_ far better than you do unto them.
I give up. Figure it out yourself.
Your inner gay really comes out in your responses.
huh? whuzza?
Are you trying to insult me by calling me gay? News Flash: I don’t consider that an insult.
Some people think that ‘ginger’ is an insult. I don’t think so in the first place, and in the second I’m not red-haired. So, if you called me ‘ginger’ I wouldn’t be insulted, but I would think you were pretty silly for saying so.
Vocabulary Builder for Monday: “Analogy”
Oh, let me practice.
Donald Trump is to America what Leonidas was to Sparta.
Allow me to repeat myself, “huh? whuzza?”
Allow me to explain.
Both these great men defended their country’s border.
… and I repeat, “Huh? Whuzza?”
What’s that got to do with the lies you tell innocent children? Or are you practicing evasion? In that case: you’re doing a piss-poor job of it. It works much better if your response at least *sounds* like it’s related. Keep practicing, you obviously need it.
But just out of curiosity, are you aware that Spartans married each other? In all likelihood, Leonidas was a faggy fag homo faggot. How could a faggy fag homo faggot have possibly defended his borders against Real Men?
Or are you saying Trump is a faggy fag homo faggot? I suppose it’s possible, he’s got all the signs of a closet homosexual in denial.
You clearly have slept with many, many men. Your homosexual agenda is on record for all to see.
Next you will tell us that John Wayne was gay.
Once again, we see your awesome rhetorical skills on display.
I’m still straight, and I’m still not in the least bit insulted by being called gay. I know you don’t like to think about your opinions, but just *TRY* it for once. I am obviously pro gay rights, I don’t see anything wrong with being gay – so why in the world would I pretend otherwise?
But I get more and more interested in your world with every post. Evidently you can change history by just wishing it. I just checked the history books here on Earth and Greeks still accepted homosexuality as normal, Spartan warriors still married each other, and it’s still called “Greek style”
So, now that you know the truth, to say otherwise would be just one more lie – but I don’t really expect you to change your filthy habits any time soon.
I’m afraid that Greek love is the filthy habit.
> I’m afraid that Greek love is the filthy habit.
Not if you shower first.
So let’s see now, on your world love is filthy and hate is holy.
Maybe I don’t want to move there after all.
Please don’t, Pajama Boy. Stay in your own sandbox.
I’m hoping that when voting is abolished all together that, at least, we won’t be deprived of the great American quadrennial, exceptional, (formerly) electoral extravaganza.
But how will a new president be elected: kayak racing, checkers tournament, mumbletypeg?
How about AK-47’s at 20 paces?
Falco, I suggest so-called «tactical nuclear weapons»- given all the millions of millions of USD devoted to upgrading the US nuclear arsenal, such weapons surely have been brought down to the size of a hand grenade by now. 20 metres distance between two contenders (I suggest a play-off system, as in the current football World Cup) sounds about right, if John Wayne doesn’t mind the use of SI units….
Great idea, Henri,
It would certainly weed out frivolous candidates and could be staged in cities ready for the demolition phase of their urban renewal projects.