Within days of Donald Trump’s election victory, racist and anti-Semitic graffiti appeared around the United States. Aside from a curt “don’t do it” in response to an interview question, the president-elect has not disavowed his alt-right supporters.
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
8 Comments. Leave new
I guess this cartoon is supposed to get us all riled up about the latest idiot crap that is happening in the United Slaves. It fails in this intent. Few people really care anymore, except those who feed off the tit of the US. If you are a US citizen, then you might feel ashamed of the history of this short-lived, greedy empire, but the cartoon here is still right on target for what it shows.. We are a country that every day, and in many ways, is a blight on this overpopulated, polluted planet. Political Parties? Corporations? Losers? Winners? Racists? Miscreants? All these amd more are available as soon as you give anyone power over their neighbors. Like the Firesign Theatre once said, ‘”People are no damn good!”
Now, that’s a rather over-generalization, but despite all the good people out there, and many on this forum, the plain, honest fact is that if you look down at what we have going on on Earth, you might have the opinion that the planet would be better off without most of us….
Not to jam my head too far up the tinfoil hat, but …
“Within days of Donald Trump’s election victory, racist and anti-Semitic graffiti appeared around the United States.”
1. This is called observational bias. If Trump hadn’t been elected, these items would simply have not been covered by the media nor would they have been reported as often. In a non-Trump world, some racist graffiti is simply not reported. Why? The police can’t do anything (or won’t) in many of these cases due to a lack of evidence and clues. Also, the crime is usually not physically violent–police resources are allocated in a hierarchy. But now? In an election that has led to Lena Dunham having to leave the country? My God! All bets are off. I bet if someone’s car gets keyed because they parked across three handicapped spots, they’ll demand it be classified as a Trump-hate event because there was a Hillary sticker on the bumper.
2. Check the examples used. A couple of them are probably from Trump-supporting racists. But a couple of them are probably anti-Trump graffiti by HRC supporters. This is most evident in the swastika and Trump graffiti and the swastika and Seig Heil 2016 graffiti. The line of graffiti “Black Lives Doesn’t Matter and Neither Does Your Vote” is almost incomprehensible except if put there by a non-Trump supporter. Trump won the Electoral College, HRC won the popular vote, ergo, your vote doesn’t matter. Black Lives Doesn’t Matter is easily understood as someone from that side of the argument saying that all of Black Lives efforts–from putting the “name” Black Lives Matter on Starbucks coffee cups to attacking Bernie Sanders in the nomination because only HRC could win and has such a long record of bringing blacks to heel, I mean, working with the black community to build bridges–were for naught.
«1. This is called observational bias. If Trump hadn’t been elected, these items would simply have not been covered by the media nor would they have been reported as often.
2, Check the examples used. A couple of them are probably from Trump-supporting racists. But a couple of them are probably anti-Trump graffiti by HRC supporters.»
Important points, Alex. That there are racists who supported Trump goes beyond saying, but that all the racist graffiti appearing after the US presidential election is due to emboldened Trump supporters strikes me as most unlikely. The use of agents provocateurs is a well-tested technique for smearing one’s opponents….
There are also other players here. Ever notice that, whenever some swastikas are spray painted on a business wall or at a Jewish graveyard or such, almost always Zionland will soon be militarily assaulting one of its neighbors. America’s Sayanim are busy little bees when trying to manipulate public opinion in America.
And the above stories are just the low-rent circumstances. The Mossad also has a professional standard that looks so much more “legitimate.”
Ted, I get that you were aiming for a white vs black divided Amerika —
I’d like to see your rendition of a “Grab ’em by the pussy” theme.
This is interesting if for no other reason than it shows Ted being uncharacteristically unfair and the commenters here being uncharacteristically fair…
Thank you Hillary, for selecting Trump as the most easily defeated of the Republican “Pied Piper” candidates, and suggesting to the corporate media that they assist in Trump’s win of the Republican primary.
Hillary’s estimation may yet be proven correct. That is, with the exception of her own ability to soundly defeat Trump herself. The Democrats, who have not of recent years been an opposition party to the Republicans (not since Bill Clinton), could not defeat the policies of the Republican Party while they aspired to appropriate them for themselves, thus leaving the job of successful Republican Party opposition to Trump and street protesters.
I had been feeling sort of bad after the recent election, but I was going to feel that way with regard to whoever won. It’s like knowing intellectually you are going to die some day, and then, when faced with the impending possibility, experiencing the full emotional impact despite being intellectually forewarned. That was November 9th for me.
Anyway, like a beam of sunshine, the upside came to me in my gloom; I wasn’t going to have to hear the cackles of Hillary, and her anti-Russian, pro-nuclear war b.s. anymore. I would guess that the mischief of Hillary’s underling, subaltern Victoria Nuland, one whom I assume will not have the ear of Trump, and will also find its way into the trash heap of history.
Another happiness is that the Democratic war party is in disarray, still blaming everyone and everything but their own inadequacy, leaving an energized populace in the street to do what the Democrats couldn’t or wouldn’t do to restrain the other reactionary party.
«I would guess that the mischief of Hillary’s underling, subaltern Victoria Nuland, one whom I assume will not have the ear of Trump, and will also find its way into the trash heap of history.» Glenn, while I certainly share with you the hope that Victoria Jane Nuland will no longer be retained in a prominent position at the US State Department (she is currently Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs), I am far less sanguine that she will be removed. Let us hope that you are right and I am wrong !…