Progressive Democrats and Corporate Democrats are blaming themselves for their party’s latest defeat. But the corporate Democrats run the party, it was their candidates including Biden and Harris who fell flat and they didn’t allow progressives to have anything to do with the campaign or their strategy.
Move Right, No Matter What

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The TMI Show" talk show. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
13 Comments. Leave new
Ah, another blast from the past! I’m getting major déjà vu here – didn’t we just have the same yesterday? Or was it the day before? Honestly, it’s all starting to blend together.
But hey, who am I to judge? I’m sure your “useless rantings” are absolutely fascinating to someone out there. Maybe there’s a niche audience of insomniacs who find your ramblings oddly soothing. Or perhaps there’s a group of masochists who enjoy subjecting themselves to endless loops of monotonous chatter.
In short, you don’t seem to have learned anything from getting 19 comments to your last post.
I think he’s learned that when I post, the site traffic goes through the roof.
So, you’re welcome again, Ted!
Possibly the point has to be made and made again and then made again because, much like Einstein’s insane person, the party solons are making the same mistake over and over again and then over again.
By now, the dnc should have had the political equivalent of seppuku. Ritual suicide to show atonement for dishonorable behavior.
In 2020, the Democratic voters chose Biden. Sure, the corporate Democrats wanted that and did their best to sway the voters in that direction and, sure, that included a few dirty tricks, but mostly and ultimately the choice fell to the voters themselves, not to the people who are in charge of the party. To get a different outcome we need to persuade the voters. We also need no primaries, just one general election with ranked voting, so that people can vote for whom they want rather than defensively for the “safe bet.”
2024 is Biden’s fault for running in the first place. In this case the party, not the voters, chose Harris. But we have to acknowledge that the party inherited a terrible situation and, while some things could have been a little better, there was no good solution to be had.
If you really think that “in 2020, voters chose Biden,” I’ve got a bridge to Brooklyn I can give you a real deal on.
After having my fun earlier, I’ll make an attempt at a serious contribution here.
“Moving further left” isn’t interpreted by the working class as helping them. “Moving further left” is interpreted as woke social experimentation garbage that won’t benefit them. If the Democrats, horror of horrors, actually make overtures to the working class and demonstrate how their lives will be better with them in charge, they will recover just fine.
If the Democrats will remain Democrats, they’ll remain silo’ed and sequestered and tut-tut at the working class at how they are too stupid to know to vote for them
> “Moving further left” is interpreted as woke social experimentation garbage that won’t benefit them.
Yes, half the battle is that among us words means so many different things. “Move left” is very pro-worker in my lexicon, but not everyone’s. If I talk up “universal basic income” will that too be interpreted as something bad or irrelevant for the working class?
I’d like to see you try to answer your own question.
Consider this: How will Joe Tractor in Nebraska feel about Gordon Noworkie in San Francisco receiving a UBI? And remember, saying Joe Tractor is a big dummy who doesn’t know better is a failing argument!
Lee, I think you have hit upon a fundamental — nay, THE fundamental — issue. We have let the conversation be co-opted by “sensitivity directors” and “respect empowerment guides” and so forth. We allow the imbeciles from the left — “Oh, I object. That was most disrespectful to those who embrace a different path of tolerance and respect and respectful tolerance for difference in path choice!” — who are more concerned about emotional mush than actually reaching consensus or solution to run the discussion. We can’t fix the right, but we can at least tell the children to hush while the adults are talking.
“Uh …. Whut?”
– Joe Tractor
I’m starting to think that many of you in here are, in fact, crazy. Like “Beautiful Mind” crazy.
Backs slowly away, signs out
So don’t talk about “the left”. It is an arbitrary label that has no practical meaning (because of the disagreements; I am well aware of the various attempts to define it, but they demonstrably did not take). Talk about “worker rights”, ideally specific ones, or “universal basic income” for that matter. And explain to Joe Tractor that he’ll get it too. Everyone’s too proud for handouts, but in practice, nearly everyone can also use more money.
Well, well….two resident trolls and a DNC apologist–you must be getting to ’em, Ted–keep up the good work!
Now, now, don’t get too excited. I’ll probably head back to hibernation now that Ted is back to comics that are essentially irrelevant