When the LA Times fired me in July 2015, they claimed that the LAPD had given them official police documents showing that I had lied in an article. After I sued them, however, it turned out that that was a lie. The documents were completely unofficial. And they had been given to the Times by the police chief, Charlie Beck, as a personal vendetta to get even for cartoons that personally offended him because they were about his incompetence and tolerance of brutality.
The Charlie Beck Conspiracy
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
7 Comments. Leave new
Sorry Ted, but that’s the way it works in the Greatest Country on Earth. If you’re going to have a country based on social Darwinism, that’s kinda the way it is. If you don’t want this sort of thing to happen to you then you should be rich.
I assume you learned this vis-a-vis some sort of discovery process? Any more news you can share about this important case?
Very sorry to hear your example of how completely messed up the Greatest and Fairest Legal System in the World is. I read other examples in the comments.
I sincerely hope you win.
Comments section.
«And they had been given to the Times by the police chief, Charlie Beck, as a personal vendetta to get even for cartoons that personally offended him because they were about his incompetence and tolerance of brutality.» Ted, if you haven’t transferred the copyright to the LA Times and other agreements don’t prevent you doing so, could you republish some of those cartoons on this site, so that we can see what so offended Mr Beck ?…
You are accused of lying in an article. Your defense seems to be that the documents showing that you lied were unofficial, not official as the LA Times claimed. And anyway, the police chief was basely motivated by personal animosity against you.
I would like to see the article in question. I would like to know what the alleged lie was. I would like you to tell us whether it was in fact a lie.
Here a bit more information on the background to Ted’s being fired from the LA Times (which also provides readers with some of the cartoons that so inspired Charles Lloyd Beck’s wrath and which I had requested above)….