If the Pentagon Papers Were Leaked Today

The latest cache of Pentagon documents to be leaked to the Internet reveals that the government has been lying to us about all sorts of things, but that’s not what the media seems interested in covering. They want to know who the rascal was who leaked this stuff. Talk about missing the point.

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  • Re ” … the government has been lying to us about all sorts of things, but that’s not what the media seems interested in covering.”

    But … but “we” (some) have known for decades that government lies are a feature of our system. The massive, monoplolistic corporate media EXISTS precisely to cover up, distract from and normalize the continuous government lying.

    In this instance internal military surveillance of its members selected a 21-year-old Air Force reservist with an appropriate online “presence” as the vehicle with whom to entrust the information that was intended to be made public. (In partial proof of this interpretation is the presence in the leak of internal CIA intelligence that could not otherwise possibly have been accessible to the young dupe. One wonders about the infinitesimal probability of a reservist to be able to acquire the “mere” military information.)

    The current “leak” saga is essentially the signal that Ukraine fiasco is “over” thus leaving the way open for US imperial seppuku (if not complete species annihilation) as it “pivots” to “the Chinese threat.”

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