Get Rid of the Guns and Send Them to Ukraine

It shouldn’t be that surprising to President Biden and other Americans that guns are so popular in the United States. After all, the United States is the biggest arms dealer in the world by far. The U.S. recently sent $40 billion in military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. After the war ends, you can be sure that random violence and terrorism will escalate in a country awash in proxy-supplied weaponry in the same way that it has in places like Afghanistan.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • alex_the_tired
    June 6, 2022 8:54 AM

    Midterms are five months and counting, Joe-Joe. And your mojo is a no-no. Dragging the U.S. kinda sorta into a war where there’s no possibility of a clean victory while we’re still scrubbing the blood off our hands from the previous one? While inflation continues climbing and the economy (regardless of NYTimes boosterism) is in a very shaky position? It’s like standing on the beach and watching the tide go racing out. “Gee, I wonder what caused that. Let me google it.”

  • Re ” … you can be sure that random violence and terrorism will escalate in a country awash in proxy-supplied weaponry … ”

    First, there is no chance that the US would ever consider such an effective and symbolic method to deal with its epidemic gun violence. It is too sincerely concerned in preserving its citizens’ essential liberty to have their children mowed down in a hail of automatic weapon fire.

    Second, the Ukraine situation is a US proxy war … on a proxy continent (as in NATO). The US could not care less about the future of Ukraine, the more chaos on the Russian border the better. Moreover, the US is quite ready to sacrifice all of Europe in order to get control of Russia’s vast wealth of natural resources.

    Here is a link to a 8min video (Michael Hudson) spelling out the overall US strategy and Europe’s willing and suicidally spineless acceptance of it.

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