For Democrats, the More Republican Damage the Better

The Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade seems to be helping Democrats polls as they head into the 2022 midterm elections. But Democrats don’t seem as interested in legalizing abortion on the federal level as they do in campaigning on the issue. It makes you wonder: do they want Republicans to mess everything up so that they get elected? How much of a price do we have to pay for a Democratic victory??

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Re panel three: The only time nuclear weapons were used in a war setting was in Japan. They were ordered by a Democratic president, Truman.

    They were employed more to warn the then Soviet Union of US power more than to prevail over Japan which was already on the verge of surrender.

    The real threat of current use of nuclear weapons is again from the Democrats as the Dirty Harry II administration gets ever more frustrated in its severely bungled proxy war in Ukraine against the former USSR, i.e. Russia.

  • alex_the_tired
    October 19, 2022 6:23 AM

    Is it damage? Eleven of the 14 states that have banned abortion (so far) went to Trump in 2020 by double-digits. Texas went to him by about 5%. The two “blue” states (Georgia and Wisconsin) went to Biden by an aggregate of 32,000 votes. After every single monstrous thing Trump did over four years as president, the entire election turned on about 30,000 undecided voters (out of 155 million) spread over Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, and Nebraska-2 picking Biden over Trump.
    Consider motivations. For the Republican voters, this midterm is about ending abortion at the national level. For the democrat voters? A lot of them are thinking, “I’m sorry about those women in those states, but abortion comes in about sixth or seventh in my mind, right behind inflation, recession, job loss, debt, housing prices, climate, an atomic war …” and they’ll keep thinking that right up to the point where President Trump passes the amendment outlawing all abortions in the United States.

  • BrotherMartin
    October 20, 2022 7:16 PM

    If the Dems get the mandate to codify women’s freedom of choice, and fail to deliver, then a whole lot of women will be mad at not only the Republicans, but the Dems.

    I was listening to Dr. Harriet Fraad’s “Capitalism Hits Home” podcast the other day, and her main theme was “forcing a woman to go through with an unwanted pregnancy is ‘cruel and unusual punishment.'” Something to think about….imagine conservative judges sentencing women to pregnancy…..

  • Ending emancipation…..far…far right wing…. the real plan…keep the poor and middle class in line by keeping them focused on survival.

    Social Security & Medicare “reform” is part of the Republican agenda
    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has suggested that Social Security and Medicare be eliminated as federal entitlement programs, and that they should instead become programs approved by Congress on an annual basis as DISCRETIONARY spending.

    Never vote for a minimum wage increase
    Student loan payments for decades, only the dead and seriously disabled get a pass.
    The EPA and OSHA will be limited and reduced.
    Sell off the post office.
    Privatize the VA as much as possible.
    School vouchers to get student in to flag waving private schools and to line the pockets of some major backers.
    Needed infrastructure repairs and projects in poorer areas, won’t see many dollars

    Auditors of at the IRS will be reduced, and the remainder will not be supported unless they are targeting taxpayers receiving low-income support.

    Few polls and long lines in poorer neighborhoods in red states.

    The goes on and on but that is enough for now.

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