Fake the Change

According to an internal GOP report, Republicans lost the 2012 presidential election because they came off as smug and uncaring. Maybe they can learn from the Democrats.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Yup! Heck, maybe they can become the Demokrats! The major differences between the party of old angry white people and rednecks and them are the knee-jerk issues of gay marriage, gun control, entitlements, etc. Both parties pretty much ignore the elephants stomping around them like war, economic repression , etc. – (ya’know – the stuff we can’t do nuth’in about…) The 3 monkeys rule the US! Hands over their eyes, ears and mouths.

  • Some people are paying an awful lot of money – not out of the goodness of their hearts, of course, but because they make even more from their investment – to make sure those hands remain over eyes, ears, and mouths….


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