Electoral Dysfunction

Finding it hard to get excited about your next date with democracy? You may be suffering from Electoral Dysfunction.

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  • Just to be clear:

    “You can’t be a ‘lesser evil’ when you’re sponsoring a genocide.”
    – Caitlin Johnstone –

  • alex_the_tired
    March 6, 2024 7:53 AM

    I don’t know if I can call it electoral dysfunction. It’s the way the system has worked since the 1980s (at least). You can either sleep with the known guy or sleep with the new guy who ends up being pretty much indistinguishable from the known guy. After a couple of years, the “new” guy has become the known guy and then you’re stuck with the same choice as four years earlier. Here, we’ve got Biden or Trump, just like last election. Biden won that by the skin of his teeth. After the three years of so-so dates, lousy dinners, and listening to him not keep his stories straight, Biden’s probably about to be friend-zoned.

    God, what an indictment: Biden was so bad, the electorate went BACK to Trump.

  • Yes, Neo, it’s THAT “blue pill.” Unfortunately, the “red pill” isn’t THAT “red pill.”

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