Donald J. Trump’s Magic Bullet

On July 13th an assassin attempted to kill former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler Pennsylvania. The bullet grazed his right ear but his bravado-filled response turned out to have greatly benefited his campaign for reelection.

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  • All I saw was a bum gittin’ shot by a nutty kid. An’ Ted, for the rest of this election period, can you and Scott Stantis try to cease critiquing Harris about her cackle laugh, her “likability,” and her………………ahem…………….really?…………….hair? It would be nice to see y’all measure her as a presidential candidate.

  • alex_the_tired
    July 24, 2024 7:01 AM

    Measuring her as a presidential candidate, regrettably, does require an evaluation of presentation. The media, willing boot-licking lapdogs all, would comment on Bernie Sanders’ dandruff and cheap suits. The New York Times had a great photo of Sanders taken from the back, showing off his bald spot. All that was missing was the Photoshopped-in “Kick Me!” sign. I’ve lost track of the number of comments like, “Trump’s hair looks like cotton candy made out of piss.” The comic strip “Doonesbury” mocked his hair multiple times.

    If Harris can’t control the Cackle; if she sticks to meandering boosterism speeches filled with homilies and platitudes that don’t actually SAY anything (go on, read one of her speeches: they elevate vapidity and emptiness to a minimalist apotheosis); if she can’t stop with that quavering fake voice of hers — Miss Porter’s School teaches elocution, even shoddy fly-by-nights like Yale offer courses designed to teach you how to present verbal arguments, then, yes, these are problems.

    And Trump will take advantage of them.

  • I’m going to side with Alex on this one. This site will indeed make you question how you are using the finite time you have on this earth. I know I’ve been reflective

  • There are many who rate the candidates on how much fun they’d be to have a beer with. Or how they look. Or gravitas. Or whether they have an accent. Or what religion they profess. Or whether they cackle. Or whether they seem too angry, or not angry enough.

    I don’t care about any of that. I choose my candidates based upon the issues they stand up for, and upon my best estimate as to whether they really hold those positions (rather than pandering).

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