Democrats ran on an implicit pledge to impeach Donald Trump should they take the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections. Now that they have, just you wait for all the excuses they’ll use not to.
Democrats Will Have So Many Excuses Not to Impeach Trump They’ll Make Him Look Sane
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The Democrats are missing a beat – imagine what a distraction from political issues like the interminable US wars of aggression abroad, McCarthyism 2.0, the destruction of the international order set up by the US after WW II, etc, etc, which otherwise might dominate discourse, to the detriment of the smooth working of the Deep State, a move toward impeachment in the US House (which, I suspect, might well fail there and which in any event would be quashed in the Senate) would be ! Nobody – not the so-called «journaliists» at such corporate media organs as the New York Times or the Washington Post, or even editorial cartoonists like Ted – would have to report on anything else until the primaries in 1919. Pānem et circenses (sed sine pāne, of course….)
“Implicit” ? Sorry, don’t buy it – they ran on *opposing* Trump sure, but impeachment, not so much. To conclude otherwise is hopeful thinking.
Yeah, I’ve got the same hope. But the reality is that the House could try impeachment all they like, but it’s still got to get past the Senate to have any effect. That’s just not happening with a GOP majority. Remember how the GOP voted a hunnert-an-eleven times to repeal the ACA? Remember how it became a running gag? I’d like to think our newly-elected Dem House would spend their time on fights they can actually win rather than silly-assed ineffectual grandstanding.
Maybe the dems will take the Senate in 2020, but since Trump will get voted out the same year, impeachment will be moot at that point.
As I noted before, the “Blue Wave” caused a resulting “Red Wave” backlash – righties turned out in record numbers specifically because they were worried about the Blue Wave. If the dems had made a lot of noise about impeachment, then the reaction would have been that much greater. So, from a purely political-strategy standpoint, it was the right move.
“If the dems had made a lot of noise about impeachment, then the reaction would have been that much greater. So, from a purely political-strategy standpoint, it was the right move.”
Yes. Democrats should never stand up to Republicans because Republicans will routinely and resolutely kick uppity Democrat ass with pleasure.
It’s really best for Democrats to not even pretend stand up to Republicans at all, so they can hide exactly how wimpy they are before anything to their right. Besides they have too much respect for their masters.
Democrats reserve their fury mainly for anything to their left.
Of course Republicans knew Democrats were only fooling when they did mention impeachment because they knew that there was no evidence that could possibly convince Republicans that Trump ever did anything wrong or dishonorable at all.
> Yes. Democrats should never stand up to Republicans because Republicans will routinely and resolutely kick uppity Democrat ass with pleasure.
You might want to read the comment before responding. That particular paragraph was about THE ELECTION STRATEGY – not the ongoing, day-to-day operation. m’kay?
The part about the ongoing, day-to-day operation was, ” I’d like to think our newly-elected Dem House would spend their time on fights they can actually win ”
Note the word “Fights” … IOW, “standing up to Republicans” – the exact thing that you seem to think I didn’t say.
Once again: I’m happy to defend anything I actually say, but feel no need to defend the nonsense you pull out of your ass.
> no evidence that could possibly convince Republicans that Trump ever did anything wrong or dishonorable at all.
That’s funny ‘cuz that’s my precise opinion of the DastardlyRussiansGate deniers – there is no evidence that could possibly convince them Trump did anything wrong or dishonorable at all.
Conservative Democrats get so touchy when their heroes are criticized.
Yes, Democrat election strategy is to keep so quiet and timid in the hope that the Republicans don’t notice them.
The problem is that when an election is won using the strategy of tiptoeing past the big bully, the transition into governing is tainted by the inability to change directions toward their “secret” goals.
Democrats can still be heard blaming the election of Nixon on the vociferous opposition of the anti-war left.
I’m happy to defend anything I actually say, but feel no need to defend any nonsense you pull out of your ass.
However, in the interest of responding to the post that *you* extruded, I offer this video of a Conservative Blue Wave Democrat tiptoeing past the big bully:
The Democrats once again managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
The Democrat electorate was not “American Dreaming” of more Democratic Party led austerity, that which was a plus for Trump’s 2016 MAGA campaign, even if he did not actually deliver after his win.
Pelosi’s renewal of the PayGo budget restraints post Republican House control is an obstacle to Medicare-for-all, free college, and all those other socialist “Big Government evils” that the new blood ran on.
The Democrats did run by baiting the suckers with “hopeful thinking” during their election campaign, just as they usually do.
But Trump wanted Pelosi to be Speaker, so a win for Pelosi is a win for Trump.
And PayGo was not in effect during passage of Trump’s budget busting tax cuts for the billionaires. And Trump, and Republicans were happy with that.
Imposition of Pelosi’s PayGo budget restrictions on the programs that the new House members ran on and won on is also a positive for the Republicans.
Pelosi is still trying to drown the baby in the bathtub.
“I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” — Grover Norquist
Except when Republicans are in power.
For those keeping score at home.
1. Trump can declare a national emergency and sidestep Congress. He gets the wall funding.
2. The dems, realizing this, will probably cave, arguing about how they had to in order to get the government running again.
3. Another bold Pelosi speakership. Trump just played Chuck and Nancy (aka the Waltons), and in the end the shutdown will have been for nothing as Trump got what he wanted.
Perhaps Bernie is waiting to announce once the dems prove to be useless, yet again.
PUBLIC LAW 94-412—SEPT. 14, 1976
The “National Emergency Act” was signed into law by Gerald Ford in 1976.
It says that “just in case we get a Bozo boneheaded Presnit trying to act like a tyrannical dictator, that the Congress can order him to sit in a corner and wear a dunce cap.
SEC. 202. (a) Any national emergency declared by the President in accordance with this title shall terminate if—
(1) Congress terminates the emergency by concurrent resolution; or
All that is needed is a congress willing to tell him to sit down and shut up.
“a Congress willing”…
I have little confidence in Congress doing so. Whether simple majority or two-thirds, the votes just don’t look to be there.
This all feeds into Congress and the presidency trying to fulfill Grover Norquist’s dream of obliterating the welfare state and the social safety net. And that all springs from the same racism that emerged after slavery (technically) ended.
Building the wall is code for a revitalization of Jim Crow-style systemic racism based on ethnicity and economic status. The wall is (in theory) going to keep out the undesireables. It won’t but that’s the marketing. It will keep good white Christians safe from the Islamoterrorist Mexican rapists and let whitey know that it’s still a white man’s world.
Congress won’t dare piss off those gun-totin’ freedum-lovin’ ‘Mericuns. I strongly expect a funding “compromise” probably with funds from the few remaining social sectors. And Nancy and Chuck will have the fumbling explanations at the ready. They’re both millionaires, they know how to lie without shame.
“a Congress willing”…
I agree Alex.
The only thing ever lacking was a Congress willing to live up to their self-promotional campaign rhetoric.
And, I will add: an electorate unwilling to wait centuries for the most self-evidently necessary and trivial of changes to be enacted into law.
The leftmost US party, the Democratic Party, would be an extreme right wing party in many European countries.
This is what Americans have earned for continuing to vote for Conservative Democrats, in the hope that they will change their stripes after taking office.