Cops Kill White People Too

Cops kill more blacks than whites. But whites still get killed. Maybe it’s time for whites to believe when blacks tell them that the police are dangerous.

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  • That’s what an occupationary force does, Ted – kill people in order to demonstrate and uphold its authority. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others….


  • It’s nice to think white folks would make that connection, but sadly that’s not how a lot of them think. They think it only happens to people who aren’t “compliant” and “respectful” — despite clear video evidence that all it really takes is being a Black person encountering the wrong cop at the wrong time. The fact that even people who are not polite and deferential at all times don’t deserve to be executed in the street, doesn’t seem to be all that concerning to them.
    That said, I do think that more white folks are starting to figure out what POC have known all along, this time.

  • alex_the_tired
    June 15, 2020 12:20 PM

    The People In Charge just emailed me. They want me to pass on a warning. It seems you (you being any of the people who are not TPIC) are attempting to UNIFY two groups by pointing out that both have a common problem: cops killing both. And although you pointed out that the cops kill far more black people than they kill white people, this is unacceptable because (suspend logic subroutine, insert alchemy) this devalues black people and proves you are a racist. Twitter will be by to dox and swat you between the hours of 1 a.m. and 5 a.m.
    I find it interesting that we have fire drills all the time. How many building fires have you been in? Me? So far? Zero.
    How many cop drills do we have? “Now, kids. Do you all have a reliable camera app that will start recording and dump the file to the cloud in case the pig destroys your camera? If you don’t have a camera, do you have a pen and paper? Are you taking notes of what’s going on? Names, times, locations? And if a cop stops you, what are your rights? Jennifer? What are the four biggest lies cops tell people in on-street or traffic encounters?”

    • cops do not kill far more black people than white people.

      years, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
      white, 457, 399, 370, 172
      black, 223, 209, 235, 88

      murders and robberies committed (for reference)
      white, year 2016, 4192 murders, 33095 robberies
      black, year 2016, 4935 murders, 41562 robberies

  • A very good friend (may he RIP) was a cop in the ’80s and ’90s. He said training was about all the cop killers out there (mostly African-American and Hispanic, but also some bad Anglos), and they had story after story after story of police officers killed on duty. He said they warned that many police officers had been killed by screwdrivers, so, when he saw an African-American boy standing with a screwdriver, he was sure he was about to be murdered (after all, that’s what they’d told him over and over and over) so he drew his gun and pulled the trigger. His gun jammed, and the African-American boy ran away.
    My friend always said he was very, very happy that his gun jammed.
    Before cell phones, when the police officer’s gun didn’t jam, it all went down as justified, just doing their duty keeping us safe, but now we have all those videos.

  • cops do not kill far more black people than white people.

    years, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
    white, 457, 399, 370, 172
    black, 223, 209, 235, 88

    murders and robberies committed (for reference)
    white, year 2016, 4192 murders, 33095 robberies
    black, year 2016, 4935 murders, 41562 robberies

    • You have a point, unintent, but the statistics are more ambiguous than the dichotomy you provide above would indicate. And this ignoring the possibility of unrecorded death-by-cop….


      • And besides, as <a href="And besides, as this timely New York Times piece reminds us, those statistics are dodgy – and deliberately kept so – from the get-go….

        Henri”>this timely New York Times piece reminds us, those statistics are dodgy – and deliberately kept so – from the get-go….


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