Democrats and Republicans find themselves in a unique position: they both agree on something. Economists from left to right agree that the economy desperately needs stimulus. But neither party wants to move forward before the election because they fear the other one would take credit for the benefits.
Bipartisan Uncaring
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
9 Comments. Leave new
People dying because of meticulously stage-managed Dem/Repub economic policy “conflict” is: a) not new b) no conflict.
The economic austerity imposed upon the populace, at least from Saint Reagan, has been the most effective and least obvious weapon of mass destruction the 0.001% has ever devised … and they have been hard at work devising since that effin’ commie FDR.
It IS a truly bipartisan project. The Dems have been just as guilty as the Repubs, from “I the feel the pain I’ve imposed upon you by ending welfare as we know it … among other atrocities” to “it’s too complex for me to deal with millions of illegal foreclosures so I’ll start discussion on the ‘Grand Bargain’ to realize the destruction of Social Security … and why not Medicare, also.”
The predictable problem has always been: once the 0.001% (including “corporate persons”) no longer pay taxes, unions are destroyed causing worker wages to fall in real terms and the only decent jobs go abroad, from WHOM does the government get the $$$$$’s it annually lavishes upon the 0.001%, i.e. its supremely avaricious owners?
Yes, massive debt. So much so that the IMF, a major enforcer of economic policies coddling the global 0.001%, has suggested a second Bretton Woods conference – presumably to review the resultant valuelessness of the global reserve currency (the US $) that the first conference effectively established.
I don’t suppose there was a question on that in last night’s “debate.”
Priorities, Ted ! A stimulus would be nice, but first that other monument to «bipartisonship» – the «modernisation» of the US nuclear missile force (initiated by Mr Obama, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his «vision» of a world without nuclear weapons !) and expanded further by Mr Trump – must be paid for – well over a million million (10^12) USD. If there’s any money left over, then perhaps a stimulus….
After 1990, the USSR was gone, and China was no threat.
Now, the US is faced with the Thucydides trap: the US was alone as #1, but now both Russia and China are rising, and MUST be stopped before they can challenge the US.
I forget what happened with Athens and Sparta. But I’m sure the US must prevail.
We do not want a terrible dictatorship like China that had 5,000 dead from CoViD-19. The US democracy can do much better than that, can’t it???
«We do not want a terrible dictatorship like China that had 5,000 dead from CoViD-19. The US democracy can do much better than that, can’t it???» Not to worry, Michael, it is, it is – 229 000 and counting. Those nefarious Chinese don’t have a chance in this competition – and that even without banning Huawei…. 😉
Both parties impotent? Check.
Doddering fools in leadership positions on both side? Check.
A dismissiveness toward science and reason on BOTH sides? Check.
That guy in the strip? The one who’s dying on the sidewalk? If he doesn’t wake up this time and force all these idiots out of positions of power in government and then also go after all the social media scum and the rest of the business-class criminals then he deserves to die.
I only hope he doesn’t take me with him.
Americans held hostage by the Duopoly.
Iran held Americans hostage for only 444 days.
The Duopoly beats Iranian hostage taking, minimally, by decades versus days and by millions versus hundreds.
The Duopoly is Number One!
If this country were a democracy these assholes would have been voted out decades ago.
So keep on voting for what you don’t want (what the Oligarchs offer) and you’ll keep on getting it.
Have a happy election, gutless suckers.
(This my second posting of this comment. The first posting of this comment was my ninth post in a row that was subject to moderation. My comment on a previous page was DE-moderated along with the comic having been superseded by a new one.)
People dying because of meticulously stage-managed Dem/Repub economic policy “conflict” is: a) not new b) no conflict.
The economic austerity imposed upon the populace, at least from Saint Reagan, has been the most effective and least obvious weapon of mass destruction the 0.001% has ever devised … and they have been hard at work devising since that effin’ commie FDR.
It IS a truly bipartisan project. The Dems have been just as guilty as the Repubs, from “I the feel the pain I’ve imposed upon you by ending welfare as we know it … among other atrocities” to “it’s too complex for me to deal with millions of illegal foreclosures so I’ll start discussion on the ‘Grand Bargain’ to realize the destruction of Social Security … and why not Medicare, also.”
The predictable problem has always been: once the 0.001% (including “corporate persons”) no longer pay taxes, unions are destroyed causing worker wages to fall in real terms and the only decent jobs go abroad, from WHOM does the government get the $$$$$’s it annually lavishes upon the 0.001%, i.e. its supremely avaricious owners?
Yes, massive debt. So much so that the IMF, a major enforcer of economic policies coddling the global 0.001%, has suggested a second Bretton Woods conference – presumably to review the resultant valuelessness of the global reserve currency (the US $) that the first conference effectively established.
I don’t suppose there was a question on that in last night’s “debate.”
OK, that’s ten-in-a-row into the moderation bin!!!
OK, eleven times in a row into the moderation bin.