One of the assumptions of Kamala Harris’s failed presidential bid was that voters didn’t want radical change of any kind. She promised an incremental approach designed to gradually improve things without altering what she assumed were beloved American institutions like the courts. In reality, life for most Americans is pretty bleak and they don’t have much investment in those longstanding traditions.
And Give Up All This?

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The TMI Show" talk show. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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“No radical change of any kind” has been the dnc’s central tenet for decades now.
I give it no more than 10 more years. Possibly even as few as five. My biggest question is whether the lobbyist-billionaire multinationals that run the country will allow Trump to go nuts and wreck the country with his Scooby-Doo plots or whether they will have him taken out (via a 25th Amendment ballot or a bullet). I guess it depends on whether their collection of the last few drops of the nation’s precious bodily fluids is necessary or whether they’ll consider having siphoned off almost all the wealth sufficient.
No need. Whoever is running the government (obviously not Biden) knows he/she/it/they must start WWIII before the Peacenik* takes over on 20 Jan.
*Only a Peacenik in Europe, obviously not a Peacenik in Asia, but the US must maintain World Hegemony, so we can’t let Eastern Europe slip away.
I keep chewing that over in my mind. Is Trump the anti-Edward VII? When Edward died, the Great War started four years later at least in part because Edward’s maturity and calming influence was no longer present. With a stark raving loon like Trump on the American throne, might everyone else realize, “This guy could start WWIII, either himself or by egging us into it, we’d better cool it”? Or will Trump basically be a bucket of gasoline tossed on a hibachi? (P.S., Ted, I love the shirt the survivor is wearing. Great Easter Egg.)
See Ted Rall create a hyperbole strawman.
> “No radical change of any kind” has been the dnc’s central tenet for decades now.
Also the RNC’s. We need ranked voting in general elections if we’re to get someone outside the duopoly to implement, say, universal basic income.
“Who’d give up wanna this?”
You need better proofreading, Ted.