Pro-Palestine protesters shut down traffic on the approach roads to LAX and JFK, angering travelers trying to catch their flights. Way to win hearts and minds!
Pain-in-the-Ass Liberation Front
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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We certainly can’t let a little matter like open, intentional, proud & defiant genocide, approved, justified and financed essentially completely by the USA, lead to any inconvenience for US travelers/taxpayers***!!!!!
To paraphrase JFK: “When efficient, side effect-free, means of ‘changing hearts and minds’ do not exist, then those whose hearts and minds MOST need changing (i.e., blue state, ‘liberal’ poseurs … and their congressional reps) may experience sporadic instances of minor distraction from their power-consumerism.”
*** i.e. those contributing the funds for the aforementioned “US financing of genocide”
Right or wrong, from a moral standpoint, it’s just a failed tactic.
The comment hardly claimed the tactic was a success and specifically suggested that lawful, potentially successful tactics have been meticulously eliminated by the imperial butcher.
Ever notice the left either never communicates its intentions or can’t back its intentions with rationality? I’m thinking specifically of the soup hurlers. You can only shift the economy to a renewable footing so fast. Shutting off all the oil and gas in a heartbeat? It will lead to the collapse of the global food production and transportation mechanism. Billions — with a “B” — would starve.
Of course, there’s also the left’s inability to police itself to stay on “the big picture.” Example? Roe v. Wade. Where the gosh-darn diddly were the riots and the protests and the street burnings and lootings when Roe got shut down? Why do we still not have universal health care? But a problem that would require a global, united response? That gets half-assed. Roe and the rest gets no-assed.
Want to see the apex of the left’s inability to get anything done? Watch the Iowa primary in a week. Trump didn’t just pop out of the ether. It took 40-odd years of political apathy from the left to get us to a point where half the country (Electoral College-wise) supports Trump. If the left had fought back — as was its sole reason for being — the Republican shift to the right would have been counterbalanced by a progressive shift to the left, instead of Clintonian compromise dragging the whole party to the right as well.
It’s almost like the conventional and civilized methods of convincing and influencing people aren’t working!
Woah, y’all are still up here! I recognize some of these profile names from 8 years ago!