Nikki Haley contrasts herself with frontrunner Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican primary contest by claiming to be a realist, especially on foreign policy. But her own candidacy is based on a series of fantasies.
The Sane One
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Despite the fact that Haley has little hope to get the nomination, she IS perfectly qualified to be a US president:
hyper-vicious, neocon, mindless, murderous order-taker.
The comic’s implication that US forever wars are not robustly “bipartisan” (e.g.: “Bush era neoconservatism”) is “a bit” off. Despite Biden’s pull-out from the 20-year quagmire of Afghanistan (reminiscent of the pre-emptive, if futile, Nobel Peace Prize given St. Obumma), career neocon ol’ Joe has come back strong, with impeccable credentials of recklessness blazing, in 1) the Ukraine total fiasco, 2) “unwavering” support for Israel’s blatant, publicly announced genocide in Gaza/West Bank, with its 3) truly exciting possibility of provocation of war with Iran and 4) last (at least momentarily) but most suicidal, the constant encirclement of China with US bases in preparation for the final proof of the abject bankruptcy of all-hallowed capitalism: “If you aren’t capable of profit-making competition in the ‘market place of ideas’ … attempt to physically destroy your perceived nemesis.”
Rarely has a contest this far out seemed so predetermined to me. Barring something like Trump stroking out or being struck by lightning, he’s got the lock on the Republican nomination. Think about what it will mean: the winner of the nomination didn’t even participate in the debates. I hope the networks have some reruns for next time because Trump’s just rendered one of their cash cows irrelevant.
I wonder when the networks will realize on Election Night that Biden has lost. Before 11? Before midnight? You’ll be able to tell because they’ll stop chuckling every three seconds.
“B-b-but Biden promised a bunch of things he didn’t deliver on! He started us in two wars! The man took the most important issue of the times — climate change — and let one guy from his own party kneecap him on it!”
Ted calling out someone for living in a fantasy world is peak Rall
I also like how he captured the “There’s something crazy inside my head clawing at my eyes trying to get out” cast of her eyes.
Yeah! And the “I’m crazy right wing blah blah something” of the left side of her hair! Truly Ted is playing chess while we play checkers
.. and how the consistently 70 degree angle of her right shoulder clearly conveys “I eat babies and worship Hitler!” By jove has anyone called the Smithsonian yet??
The New York Times and CNN figure she’s the only qualified Republican. Both hope Trump will be gaoled and legally banned from public office long before the Convention.