The Final Countdown – 11/8/23 – Winners and Losers of Latest U.S. Elections

On this episode of the Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discussed a plethora of topics from around the globe, including the latest results from the U.S. elections. 
Steve Hayes – Tax Attorney
Scottie Nell Hughes – Political Commentator
Mitch Roschelle – Media Commentator and Finance Expert
Robert Fantina – Author, Journalist and Activist
Alan Grayson – Political Commentator and Former Congressman
In the first half hour, Final Countdown spoke to a panel composed of Scottie Nell Hughes and Steve Hayes about the latest U.S. elections. 
To conclude the first hour, Mitch Roschelle spoke to Final Countdown about the stopgap funding and the ramifications of the potential government shutdown next week. 
To kickoff the second hour, Final Countdown discussed the latest from Gaza with Robert Fantina, who provided his analysis on the Netanyahu-Biden relationship. 
In the final half hour of the show, Alan Grayson previewed the GOP debates with Final Countdown, while also touching on the main candidates for the Republican Party. 