The Final Countdown – 10/25/23 – Trump in Hot Water as Another Lawyer Turns Witness in Georgia

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss a variety of topics, including Trump’s ongoing trial in Georgia. 

Steve Abramowicz – Owner & CEO of Mill Creek View 

Lauren Fix – Auto Expert & Car Coach 
Esteban Carrillo – Journalist and Editor for The Cradle 
The show kicks off with Steve Abramowicz, Owner & CEO of Mill Creek View, to discuss former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleading guilty in the Georgia case surrounding Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election
Then, Auto Expert & Car Coach Lauren Fix shares her perspective on the UAW strike expanding to the GM Assembly plant in Texas, spiking the movement to 45,000. 
The show closes with Journalist and Editor for The Cradle, Esteban Carrillo weighing in on the latest out of Gaza, as the United Nations Secretary-General calls for a ceasefire in the region. 

1 Comment.

  • alex_the_tired
    October 27, 2023 7:03 AM

    I think all the “Trump = In Trouble” cogitation is a case of begging the question. You’re pointing to all the court stuff and equating it with trouble. It’s only trouble if a guilty finding has a negative consequence in real life for Trump.

    In the end, what will be decided is which horn of the dilemma to grasp: Does the “system” incarcerate Trump, which will certainly activate a bunch of his more violently inclined supporters toward possibly Murrah-level destruction? Or does it let him skate, knowing that those members of the society who value law and due process and all that jazz will be very disappointed?

    In simpler terms: in high school, the smart kids would give up because they knew the kids who picked on them would never be punished because the sports teams were “vital.” So a lot of pretty sharp kids just slacked all the way through high school, having seen how fundamentally corrupt it was.

    I don’t think Trump will see a day in prison. The only penalties will be trivial ones. Even the biggie: “You can’t run for preznit ever again” is meaningless. If he loses (hardly a certainty) the upcoming election, he’ll be in his 80s. This was his last shot at that anyway.

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