We Will Keep Fighting for Your Right to Vote for Us

Democrats oppose Republican schemes to make it harder to vote. No one can argue with that. But what’s the point of voting if it doesn’t lead to meaningful change?

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  • The Dems don’t fight, they talk about fighting.

    Even if they actually fought and preserved the right to vote … the “choice” on the ballot always ends up like that perfectly illustrated in the results of the 2016 DNC presidential nominating convention.

    That is, given an already chosen GOP presidential nominee with the dubious distinction of being the least-popular ever … the Dems chose HRC as their nominee, deemed the second-least popular candidate ever by rejecting her opponent at the convention … Sanders deemed the MOST popular candidate ever.

  • Grampa Caligula
    November 5, 2021 10:55 AM

    (…as long as you’re not going to vote Green Party.)

    • BrotherMartin
      November 9, 2021 1:16 PM

      ….or for an insurgent Democrat like Nina Turner or India Walton. In those cases, they’ll team up with Republicans and bring in lots of outside money to defeat you.

      My condolences to Cam Gordon, a Green member of the Minneapolis City Council for 14 years, who was taken out this year by those tactics.

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