At Least Trump is Gone

Biden’s response to the insanely low minimum wage, the ongoing healthcare crisis and the millions of people and businesses destroyed by the COVID-19 recession has been anemic; his defenders insist Trump was worse. But we can’t say “Trump was worse” when the rent is due.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • The Obumma-Biden tag-team Weimar Republic gave the US Trump I and the Biden-Harris tag-team will surely lead to Trump II. His Hairness will return immediately claiming that he is allowed two consecutive terms not two total terms.

  • ‘Incompetent Government Kills People,’ Says Andrew Cuomo. How profound.

    But we can rejoice in that Trump is gone… but not forgotten.

  • alex_the_tired
    April 5, 2021 3:01 PM

    Trump’s gone but his legacy lives on. 2022 is coming. Just like winter for all the Game of Thrones fans.

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