Quite literally, climate change is by far the most important issue because if we continue to ignore it, it will eliminate every other issue along with us.
Please Keep Ignoring Climate Change
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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A lot of problems eventually solve themselves.
You’re bloody right. Human extinction will solve everything!
BTW, climate change is so passé now. Using climate crisis or climate emergency is more à la mode.
I have to rely on public transportation, which is inconvenient and unreliable at times, but I’m not complaining, instead I strive for a better life.
Specifically, it’s my hope to emulate AlGore. I want to be like AlGore for the same reason I listen to sanctimonious celebrities talk about Saving the Planet — I covet their conspicuous consumption lifestyles. AlGore was born into wealth, but he has made even more money by promoting Global Warming and selling carbon indulgences.
AlGore travel’s in a luxurious Gulf Stream 5 jet for long range trips. But when he is chauffeured to make speeches about people destroying the environment, he uses two big black SUV’s, which he leaves idling outside spewing green house gases into the atmosphere with the climate control on for his comfort and convenience.
I am thankful that I have heroes like AlGore in my life, because they give me hope for a better future — one in which I’ll never have to use public transportation.
If we hope to save the planet, we’d best hope that um, Biden is going to manage (at least from the msm perspective) a miracle and lose the election.
Yes. Lose.
If Biden wins, everyone will dust their hands and say, “Well, I did my part. Back to Netflix and Twitter.” Anyone recall Malcolm Tucker’s first line from “The Thick of It”? “He’s as useless as a marzipan dildo.”
And that’s Biden. He won’t get the job done, and he’ll leave a huge mess. But the msm and the Clintonistas and all the rest of the anyone-but-Trump-except-Sanders-because-I’d-actually-have-to-do-something-under-Sanders crowd will throw a big fake O. “You were great, Joe.”
Happy Halloween. Here’s me hoping I find the fun-size Snickers with the razor blade in it.
Nothing makes the left go to sleep like having a Democrat in the White House.