If you’re an ordinary civilian, you can count on prosecutors and police officials to game the system to maximize your punishmen when you commit a crime. If you’re a cop, however, they’ll bend over backwards, even making excuses for you, to make sure you get off the hook.
Doubt of the Benefit
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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America’s first police forces were created by the Robber-Baron class to control the people who wage-slaved for them.
The more law-enforcement changes, the more it stays the same.
Well, yes, that is the whole point of the police. This notion that they exist to “protect” the population is a joke. Catching murderers and thieves is a sideline, they exist to protect the property of the bourgeoisie. Period, end of story. Hence all the shooting of black people, have to keep them in line. Talk to anyone who was any sort of left wing activist back in the good old days. They regularly got harassed and beaten up and arrested by the cops. Hell, they regularly got railroaded and executed.
Now Ted, let’s not be so negative ! The solution to the problem is obvious – everyone in your country of age 12 years and up (to cover Tamar Rice-like cases) should automatically and manditorily be made a member of the local police department in the area in which they live. Then watch those prosecutors bend over backwards when some members of the corps kill other members of the corps !… 😉
My apologies : Tmar Rice → Tamir Rice….
Not my day (hope it’s not a harbinger of how the new year will turn out !) : Tmar Rice → Tamar Rice → Tamir Rice….
It’s Time We Start Calling ‘Civil Asset Forfeiture’ What It Really Is – ‘Armed Robbery By Police’
A presentation by Dr. Sam Mitrani
The Real Origins of the Police: To Control the Working Class and Poor People
The police were not created to serve or protect the population – the police were created to control it. Until the middle of the nineteenth century, nothing resembling the modern police existed anywhere in the United States. Then, as a new working class developed in growing cities like New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago, business owners pushed to create militarized police forces removed from democratic control. This talk will focus on Chicago, where, as class conflict roiled the city in waves throughout the late nineteenth century, the business elite that ran the city built an increasingly powerful police force to maintain control – the police force we still have today.