A little late

A little late now that he is a lame duck, but the arts community is finally catching on to the fact that the president is a monster. http://nyti.ms/1m8FtD1


  • A key question in that article: “At what point do you stop?”

    My guess would be: At the same point where the richest 1% in the U.S. say, “I think I have enough money now.”


  • alex_the_tired
    May 2, 2014 7:08 AM


    I can recall that in the 1980s, the arts community seemed (as in, this could be my perception rather than the reality) far more politically activated. Do you think the current apparent lack of political anger, fury, vexation, is due to the weeding out of the “complainers” as the newspaper industry collapsed?

    • Depends on what you mean by “weeding out” – they’re still around, but if nobody reports on it* we’re not gonna hear about it.

      If a tree falls in the forest, does Faux News made a sound?

      *save for Ted. Thanks, Ted.

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