People don’t want TPP, but Congress pushes it anyway

Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, admits Obama is pushing free-trade pacts Americans don’t want because they take away jobs: “The country has always been ahead of Congress on trade agreements. The country has never wanted these very much.”


  • TPP, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc., is trade with Slave States that will result in the lowering of American living standards to that of slaves.

    White people never fought to free slaves in the American Civil War; most Northerners hated blacks more than Southerners did; the Civil War was fought to end the lowering of wages consequential to trade with Slave States.

    White people wanted to earn living wages that were not suppressed by competition with slaves, and hated slave owners as much as their slaves. The smallest minority of whites would ever think of laying down their lives for black slaves.

    All else is trying to put a gloss on a turd.

  • Don’t forget the south wanted free trade and the North hated free trade.
    The South supported free trade so their slave picked cotton could be sold without restriction or taxes in Europe (mostly England) and they use the money to fill their ships with better quality European goods without taxes and restrictions and return to the South. The North want taxes and restrictions to give northern factories more business, good for the northern elite but also good Northern workers. The North want the South to buy Northern goods, the South didn’t want to spent the time or money to go out their way to northern ports,
    As the taxes and restrictions increased, the South call for sates right’s grew .

    Once again free trade is good for upper elite and bad deal for everyone else

    That is why free trade is so touted by today’s right wing talking heads, while many workers are hypnotized by pure capitalism’s flag waving cheerleaders most working people can see the smoke and minors and will vote down free trade but given both our political parties unending thirst for campaign funds expect more free trade in the future.

    • True, all true.

      Lincoln’s inaugural promised violence only if the South didn’t comply with import tariffs.

      The Civil War was a class war, now continued under wage slavery.

      That’s why health care has to serve capital interests, either under Obamacare or under the deadly threat of losing health insurance in a downsizing outsourcing to a corporate slave state.

      The 1% must lie awake hoping the 99% don’t figure out their scam in numbers large enough so they can speak fearlessly to power.

      What if Americans stopped being wooses and stopped being dupes, or both at the same time? A new spectre haunting the upper 1% class consciousness will surely pop their eyes open with a rapid pulse at 3 am.

  • I was in Panamá in the late ’70s. I saw extreme poverty. A padrón said he could put all the poor to work if the US would let Panamanian shirts in (which it wouldn’t). US tourists all bought Panamanian shirts, and it looked as if that could eradicate poverty in Panamá. But the US never agreed to a free trade agreement with Panamá, and now China makes Panamanian shirts cheaper than Panamá can.

    Comrade and Nobel Laureate Krugman won the Nobel Prize for his ‘proof’ that international trade does NOT increase world GDP. In spite of drastic evidence that it can.

    (But, of course, if all the increase goes to the 0.1%, that doesn’t do the rest of us any good.)

    • Free Trade? What free trade? Walmart can buy shirts from China for 2 cents and sell them to me for 20 bucks. Truly free trade would allow me to buy those shirts at 2 cents myself.

      Funny how it doesn’t work that way…

  • The really important thing about TPP is that it would allow corporations to sue governments before what would amount to a panel of industry lobbyists if a case could be made that, e g, environmental or labour legislation had reduced or would reduce these corporations’ profits. Nice work if you can get it – one doesn’t have to sell a thing on a real-live market, merely pay lawyers to claim that legislation had prevented one from making all the money one had expected. No wonder those pulling the strings of the Obama administration are so desperate to force this one through….


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