You Can Sponsor Me on Beacon

So I’d like to announce that I’m going to be on Beacon.

It’s a sponsorship model. You subscribe for $5 a month. If you indicate me as your sponsoree, I get 70% of your $5. Which, if enough people do it, I will use to create comics I wouldn’t otherwise be able to draw because there are so few newspapers and magazines left who can and want to pay for ambitious projects: comics journalism. Travelogues. Serialized graphic novels.

The cool part is, you also get access to all sorts of great writing. Think of it as a way to sponsor my work while subscribing to a good online magazine.

It’s an experiment. I don’t know if it will work. But the people behind Beacon are cool. And is the idea.  You can sponsor me and check out Beacon here.

P.S. If this works, I’ll be bringing other cartoonists to Beacon too.


  • dude, that cartoon you use of yourself makes you look like a serial killer! you’re really not that scary looking! 🙂

  • Patricia Marino
    November 28, 2013 12:10 PM

    I’m not sure which one pork is talking about .. I like the one here on the site, which looks skeptical and funny, but the one that appears on Twitter and now on Beacon has a somehow sadder aspect than Ted seems to in photos and video. Purely a selfish opinion, but the sadder aspect makes me sad : (

    • Don’t be sad!

    • i mean the one on beacon! and also, as it turns out, on daily kos. maybe if he had used the one he has here (which is much better!) there, things might have turned out differently. there were quite a few commenters who mentioned his pic as proof of his racism! 🙂

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