What I Want to Know About Edward Snowden

So here’s an angle on Edward Snowden that I would really like to see an enterprising reporter look into. How much luggage did he bring? How much cash? Do his credit cards still work? Who is paying for his room at the Novotel at the Moscow transit zone? On a practical level, how is he living day to day? Ordering room service? Does he go to the gym? What’s he up to? Is he reading? Did he bring a Kindle? Inquiring minds want to know!


  • exkiodexian
    July 13, 2013 9:14 AM

    Yeah. I mean, why not make all the info public so the government has a better chance of catching him. I mean, if you know who’s financing him you can cut him off. How much cash? Gives the feds a good idea of how long to wait him out.

    So yeah, good thinking there Ted. Brilliant stuff.

  • Um, @Ted, are you?

    • I was commenting on my curiosity about the logistics of going on the lam from a security state, not suggesting that the police state should get the downlow on its prey.

  • Aside from the kidding, I think the NSA or whomever already knows the answers to most of what Ted has mentioned, but if they can get down to his food service, Snowden may mysteriously get “food poisoning”, and if Greenwald is successful in convincing the US that he has so much more info that will seriously hurt US security, besides outing what we’ve already known and suspected about their spying, a drone or two can take him out wherever he pops up. Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket! Maybe a drone missile that can simulate a car bomb attack, like in the old movie, “Clear and Present Danger”.

  • I still don’t get it.

    “I was commenting on my curiosity about the logistics of going on the lam from a security state”.

    So, it’s not a joke? You want to know the logistics of the most wanted man on the planet?

    “One of the things I hate about my work is having to explain jokes.”

    So, it IS a joke?

    Whatever. This is dead. The whole thing was nonsensical in any context.

  • He just explained it, ex. He was wondering what it’s like to be on the run from an entire police state and posted it as a joke…Part of the joke to me is the lengths to which some reporters have really gone to get nothing about Snowden. I recall seeing pictures of his empty airplane seat. Ted’s not suggesting we all should know how Snowden’s getting along or how much the government already knows about him. But I’m curious as well as to his day to day situation.

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