
The Bad War: Afghanistan Seven Years Later
Originally appeared in Los Angeles CityBeat August 6, 2008

Book Review: “The Age of American Unreason”
Originally appeared in the San Diego Union-Tribune February 17, 2008

Book Review: “War Powers”
Originally appeared in the San Diego Union-Tribune August 7, 2005

You Admit It. We’re Right. F— You.”
Originally appeared in the The Stranger June 24, 2005

I Told You So”
Originally appeared in the The Stranger May 23, 2003

Wart Nation: Upward Mobility through Excrescence
Originally appeared in the New York Press

Fatal Defenestration
Originally appeared in the New York Press

Memoirs of a NYC Taxi Driver
Appeared in the New York Press and POV magazine

Marketing Madness: A Post-Mortem for Generation X
Originally appeared in Link magazine

White Weddings: Selections from the New York Times Weddings Announcements
Written for an East Village reading for McSweeney’s magazine.

The last Six Minutes of Doomed Flight 411
Killed by McSweeney’s, but I think they were wrong. Editor Dave Eggers thought it wasn’t “whimsical” enough. Judge for yourself.

Roach Motel: Lowdown Living in California
Originally appeared in POV magazine

Start-Up! Murder and Millennial Madness at a Gen X Computer Company
Originally appeared as the cover story in The Met, an alternative weekly in Dallas, on April Fool’s Day 1997. You’d be amazed how many people thought this stuff actually happened!

Dubious Liberators: Allied Plans to Occupy France, 1942-1944
My 1991 honors thesis at Columbia University. Supervised by Vichy France expert Professor Robert O. Paxton (most recently known for “The Anatomy of Fascism”), this reflects extensive archival research about FDR’s attempt to impose military occupation upon France at the end of World War II.
