This video was shot at Occupy the East End’s General Assembly in Sag Harbor, New York eight days ago. I have been active in many causes since I was a kid, but never have I witnessed such a brazen example of co-option.
This Is What Co-option Looks Like
Ted Rall
http://rall.comTed Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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COOPT-YOU-PIE cooptupy
I hate the Democratic Party. I hate their leaders. I hate their followers. I hate their willful ignorance. I hate their authoritarian thugs.
I hate that they will not consider the reality that when they had the chance to throw in jail all of the economy crashing, law breaking trash that makes life hell for the many and millions for the few , the Democrats gave them more money to keep on working us over.
As my circle of friends call them, they are Move In, not Move on.
I would like to volunteer to assist them in their non-violent training. I volunteer to verbally assault them so they can get practice in absorbing abuse. You know, just to test the effectiveness of their training. For their own good.
not only are you unbelievably vicious in your attack of this man, but it’s just stupid. should he have made the proposal before he arranged the training? of course. but oh my god. your reaction is unreal. what is so horrible about move on sending some of it’s members to be trained in direct action by occupy the east end? how is that move on co opting occupy? if anything, move on wants to be co opted by occupy! and even if they didn’t, they are giving you an opportunity to indoctrinate some of it’s members! oh and by the way, news flash: you can be a member of move on and a member of occupy at the same time. for a horizontal movement, who appointed you the arbiter of who is a “real” member of occupy? in fact, if i recall, it was you who was attacking occupy in the early days for co opting the “real” occupation in dc. so let’s get real.