Cartoon Bug

Unfortunately, there appears to be more bugs with posting images to Blogger. So I’ve gone ahead and posted today’s cartoon to the Archives.


  • G. M. Palmer
    April 29, 2009 9:56 AM

    Well the archives are cool except now I've seen the work through the first week in May.

  • Shitter. We got Twitter and HDTV. No healthcare. Larfffff

  • "gonna to get dragged"

    LOL that you STILL haven't gotten a real editor!

  • After critiquing your below cartoon negatively, I thought I should mention that "Social Networking for the Unemployed" was ROTFLMAO. The concept of the gag, perhaps, might be a tad bit rote — (the new Depression turns popular Internet sites on their head) — but the execution was absolutely flawless!!!

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