Ted Rall Subscription Service
It’s that time again! As you may recall, I charge for the Ted Rall Subscription Service–whereby you receive my cartoons and columns in your e-mail box well before the rest of the world gets them on the web (in some cases, days before) and you support my work–annually. With the New Year comes my request for you to consider signing up for the TRSS.
After discussion with some current subscribers I have decided to keep the rate the same as last year, $25. So if you’d like to get my stuff by email, please pay in one of the two easy ways:
BY MAIL: Send $25 to Ted Rall, PO Box 1134, New York NY 10027. Make sure to include your email address with your payment!
BY PAYPAL: Email me at chet@rall.com and I’ll tell you what to do.
Thanks again for your support and Happy 2007!