Waking Up in America

My first book is a collection of my editorial cartoons published at the beginning of my cartooning career, between 1988 to 1992. Politically, this work runs between the last year of Ronald Reagan and throughout Bush 41. I was experimenting with different styles during this period, so the work is uneven. I was picked up by Chronicle Features in San Francisco in 1991. Although this work reflects an exciting period in my development, be forewarned: this book suffers from atrocious reproduction quality because St. Martin’s Press didn’t set their photostat machine at the proper exposure, causing some cartoons to be published with moray patterns. Syndication dates were left on some of the pages!

Waking Up isn’t terribly difficult to find used if you’re persistent, but at this point it has been long out-of-print. I no longer have personal copies for sale, so eBay is probably your best bet.

Cartoon Collection, 1992
St. Martin’s Paperback, 6″x9″, 128 pp., $6.95
