An Officer and a War Criminal

The Washington Post ran a shocking expose revealing that Florida governor Ron DeSantis, a possible candidate for the presidency, participated and legally justified war crimes including torture after having volunteered to serve at the Guantánamo concentration camp. Even more shocking than his disgusting actions, which should have landed him in prison for the rest of his life, is the lack of reaction by politicians of both political parties as well as other media outlets. A nation that normalizes torture to the point of shrugging its collective shoulders has lost its moral compass.

This Idea Could Come in Handy

Senator Marco Rubio points out about the explosion of violence between Israel and Palestinians: “The only response that you’ve seen from Israel is in response to these [Arab] attacks, and they live in a very tough neighborhood and they’ve made abundantly clear if you hit us, we’re going to hit you back five times harder.” This is reminiscent of tactics used by Nazis in German-occupied Europe, in which they promised to kill 50 locals for every German soldier killed by the Resistance.

Better Never Than Never

Obama finally admits that he should have closed Guantanamo concentration camp on his first day in office, rather than waste time. Unfortunately, his mistake has added years of torture to the innocent detainees there.

Can’t Close that Camp

What if Nazi Germany had won World War II? Things might look quite as different as you might think. This time: the Leader wants to close a concentration camp, but blames Congress for not being able to do so.
